#8 He Has Cancer (3/5)

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And been very depressed about it . You always tried to get him to be positive but failed each time , but still hadn't gave up on him. Everyone was around him but he still felt alone . Like the Cancer and him were the only two on earth. He has been at the Hospital ever since you guys found out . You know he doesn't like hospitals so you tried to be right next to him all the time , as he said seeing you made him feel home.
It was one day morning and you woke up and found him still asleep. You smiled at how innocent he looked in his sleep and kissed his lips softly not to wake him up , and wiggled out of his arms . You went to that mini-closet and got him out some clean clothes to wear . When you came back to Liam , he was crying again.
You rushed over to him and throw your arms around him and hug him tight ,but careful not to touch any wires. Today you were scared and worried .It's the day Liam is gonna do his surgery,and you were afraid of the result.
"Y/N?" His charming voice said. "Yeas,babe" I asked back.
"Will you please talk at my funeral... when I di-" He said now in tears. "What the fuck ,liam. You.Are.Going.To.Fight.Hard.And.Survive. For me ,Liam . And for everyone else. You are strong , you can fight this but you just gotta do some effort , please never give up, you have to stay alive ,Babe.I'll never be able to take a step without you . And actually it's pointless to talk about death and bla bla, because you ain't gonna die . You are going into the surgery and I promise you that the first face you are going to see is- " I was interrupted by the door opening ,revealing the doctor and our two nurses.
"Mine" I whispered into his ear , hearing him sniffle . "You are the best ,Y/N. I love you so much" He said to me minimizing his voice. "And I adore you..Mr,Payne" I whispered the last part ,mimicking my voice like the doctor's . He kissed me last time and turned as the doctor began talking.
"Ready,Mr.Payne?" The doctor asked his voice serious.
"Yes" He sighed .
As I saw them carry him on another bed and push him out of the door. I felt tears willing to fall, but I had to stay strong infront of him at least.
"Don't forget ,Liam. The first thing ha?" I nearly shouted , earning a little giggle from him .
Now that he left, I can show my fear to my self honestly , I began to cry as I rested my head onto his 'uncomfortable' pillow. I took in his scent and waited.
This is gonna be long.So long
*after 3 hours*
{Liam's P.O.V}
I woke up to the sound of that endless beeping. The blonding lights above from me was giving my eyes aches . Wait...WHAT?
I woke up again. I DID IT. I looked around for Y/N , but she was no where found. I felt a bit disappointed but she must be in the toilet or something.
Just after that , I heard the sound of people outside and I recognized one of them .
Y/N ..
I smiled weakly as I continued to hear.
"What Do you mean I can't go see him?" Shouted my love.
"Miss, I can't let you in" The nurse said in the calm voice she always have.
"Grrr. No I promised him to be the first thing to see. I have to see him now.I'M HIS GIRLFRIEND FOR FUCK'S SAKE " She shouted out loud , drawing a smile on my face .
"I'll go ask the doctor if you c-" I cut her 'so calm' voice off , by pressing the button (that one which rings to call for the nurses ,if u know what i mean) . The nurse came rushing into the door,and gasped when she saw I was awake.
You're awake Mr.Payne! I have to get the doctor."
"No, just get my girlfriend in first" I said my weak voice surprising me.
"Ok but only for ten minutes and I have to get the doctor, To do the check ups" She said and I just nodded.
She left and Y/N came in with an angry look on her face. When the nurse left , she looked at the door ,raised her two middle fingers saying" You made me break my promise you shit" She nearly shouted .
I couldn't help but laugh at how adorable my queen is.
She turned around and siftened her facial expressions . She smiled realizing how crazy she looked like 1minute ago.
"Sorry about that" She laughed ,scratching the back of her head. She came closer and placed a kiss on my lips . Not long ,But full of love.
"See you little crap. You did it! You just had scare the shit out of me" She smiled and I laughed . She's right
"I love you so much Y/N . so so much I can't even tell how much. You're all I've got. You're my everything. " I said my voice came stronger that minutes before .
She smiled brightly. God that smile.
"And I love you more than anything and everything ,Liam. I just love you" said the beautiful voice.
"Now I only got two minutes with you , before those shits come in. What may I do for you?" "A kiss" This was meant to be a question.
She blushed and leaned in , and as her addicting puffy lips touched my pale rough once, I felt warmth, love, like I was in the clouds. The feeling I get everytime we kiss even after 3 years.
They came in and did those check ups ,told me I was going very well and left me again.
A few hours later , I was sitting here ,my sweet girlfriend feeding me that soup, and I looked at her in awe.
Angels are meant to be in skies.
"Babe?" I asked
"Hmm?" . "Open this drawer" I pointed at the drawer that I couldn't reach. "Sure,Anything" and she opened it. "Get that plastic bag out" I gestured, she gave me a weird look and got it handing me it.
If she only knows . I chuckled.
"I'm full now honey. That's enough." I said .
"Ok , you ate good actually" She said proudly.
She placed the plate onto the table ,which was other way from my bed..
I quickly opened the plastic bag and took out the velvet blue box...
That's it.
She'll be mine . FOREVER.
400 reads!!!!
I didn't think that I would even get 20 at first.
Thanks to all of you,
I'm so happy right now

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