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(his face expressions say it all right? poor baby)  

Dante and Vergil were closing the portal with the Yamato while hordes of demons were after them.Perhaps they would come back some time but right now they had a job to do. And ever since they settled their differences they were bonding as brothers. They were fighting but because they were equal now. "Score for Dante. I'm up one" he jokingly said. "Where did you learn to count? We're even!" Vergil said annoyingly. "You know i start to think this is never gonna end." "Maybe. We got plenty of time" he chuckled. "So are you in love i heard?" "What? Where did you learn? And yeah i am. No joke it's real." "Huh i see someone put you in your place after all." "I'm afraid so" he said while giggling. "Well brother i'm happy for you. You deserve it" Vergil told him. "Thanks" he smiled. He suddenly heard voices "What's the matter?" Vergil looked at him worried. "I think i'm hearing someone calling my name" Dante answered to him. "This is curious."  "Dante can you hear me? Dante?" "Hold on i recognize that voice..babe? No no i'm dreaming this is not happening" his voice full of despair and agony. "Little brother what's wrong?" "Vergil... i think i just made the stupiest mistake in my life." "What do you mean by that?"Vergil asked him. He was trying so hard to swallow "I think she's dead and she's here. It's my fault." "Don't be a fool! You must be hallucinating because you miss her." "Maybe i'm not sure but i heard her voice. I'm not going insane Vergil!" "Alright fine what do you want me to do?" "Let's find out first what the hell is really going on" Dante told Vergil. "Okay then" Vergil agreed and followed him. They were walking through the field of the Underworld strange markings appeared "Hmm..." "What? What is it?" "Well i don't wanna scare you little brother but indeed some one is here. This is strange. Only souls and dead spirits end up here unlike us ofcourse." "So your point is?" "My point is that whoever he's/she is got trapped here like us." "Great" he scoffed. "Care to find out?" "If it's going to be about the love of my life be sure as hell i do care! A lot!" Dante said to Vergil and walked further he was so worried his heart was almost out of his chest. What if it was really Mari the one who reached out to him? How did she end up here? All these questions were running through his brain. He was scared. They entered a strange dark cave full of skeletons and other dead things "What the hell?!'' Dante questioned as he was entering the cave. Vergil seathed the Yamato out "We're not alone." "Shit!"  And there was me. Chained,bruised and hurt. Blood everywhere. Belphegor and Asmodeus brought me here. Dante didn't know and he seathed his Devil Sword Dante out along with his other weapons before finally realising who it was Vergil was ready to attack "Vergil no stop! It's.. her" Dante cried out. "How in the hell did she end up here?" Dante walked closer to me seeing my wounds and everything made him feel guilty and mad at himself he shed a few tears "It's my fault. I should never leave her behind. I can't believe it's happening again!" Vergil stood alongside his twin younger brother and said "Seriously i never saw you like this before i'm amazed. Is she that special?" Dante nodded "She is,oh Verg i don't give a damn if she's just human. She accepted and embraced my demonic half like it was nothing to her. She didn't ran away. She stayed. I should have protect her. I failed!" Dante began getting angry which caused him to be on his demon form and fight anyone or anything who was on his way. He loved her. He really did and still even if he expressed his feelings towards her he was always blushing and feeling nervous around her. Something that he would never thought of before. Falling in love with someone who actually didn't want to kill him. Someone who deeply cared about him despite he was an ass most of time. Mari slowly woke up and eyed him she was in pain but damn she was so headstrong and stubborn. "Dante?" she asked him softly. Dante turned around looking at her returning into his human form again "Babe? Are you ok? I'm so sorry it's my fault." She smiled at him "I'm fine... i think...no it's not. Don't blame yourself. You knew eventually they would find me" she was too weak to talk. "I should have been there for you. I should have protect you. And i failed to do that. I'm an idiot. Always losing someone where i care about the most.   First my mom,then my brother and now...you." "Technically i'm still alive so you didn't lose me." Dante tried to smile while wipping his tears from his face "Yeah you are." "Are you crying?" "N-No." Mari tried to laugh "Ouch damn it ugh!" "How did you end up in here?"Vergil asked her "Hello to you too Vergil i guess. Some asshole named Asmodeus caught me. It appears he summoned Belphagor again." "Belphagor? I thought i sealed away that nasty piece of shit!" Dante scoffed "You did but obviously he escaped again." "Dammit!" "Well how can we send him back?" Vergil asked "Too late. Asmodeus used my blood. There's no turning back" i was trying not to laugh. "He did what?!" Dante's eyes turned red. "I'm gonna kill him!" "You can't! He's powerful! He's different that any other demon you faced before!" "I don't care! Clearly you don't know me well enough! I'm powerful too! You have seen me! I can't die! He nearly killed you and you think i'm gonna let go?! You're wrong!" Mari sighed she didn't have the power to fight him she knew he was right and she was physically in pain. "I'm not gonna say anything else about that." Vergil was in shock they were indeed in love bickering and have arguements with each other. "Whoa there you two!" Dante looked at Vergil "What?!" "You're arguing like a married couple.Amusing." "Oh shut up!" He was so pissed off. "I'll help you. Let's hunt him down together." "But...what about Mari?" "I'll be alright just go." Dante sighed and smiled a bit "I'll come back for you. I promise" he gave me a kiss. "Don't die on me ok?" I chuckled "I'll do my best."  

And so another huge battle for humanity was about to come. Dante and Vergil together again as brothers and allies fighting demons making sure that no one will die again this time.  


((Wow Vergil that was funny and sweet of you lmao)) 

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