~I'll Draw The Shades And Close The Door~

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Cope's P.O.V
Its Christmas Eve, and I'm just about 39 weeks pregnant. Things are crazy. Luckily our house is all ready for us, our current house is decorated for Christmas and things are just going great!! Today we're all going to chill and then go out for our Christmas dinner.


I woke up at 11am, I tend to sleep late all the time. I went downstairs and saw my beautiful boyfriend and parents making food, I sat down on the kitchen stool and awaited my breakfast, pancakes and bacon, my favourite. We all talked about Christmas and baby details as we usually did. At 12pm we all went back upstairs to get ready, we were going to go for a meal at 2 and then Kellin and Vic are going on a date so Oli and I are going to spend some time together.

I got dressed in my dark blue maternity skinny jeans, and my white Woolen jumper with my coat and I wore a scarf too, oli wore black skinny jeans and a DropDead Christmas jumper while kellin and vic wore matching Christmas jumpers and skinny jeans.

We were having food at The Shores restaurant, we had booked our own room with a table for 4. It was decorated beautifully! We sat down and ate our dinner, it was absolutely amazing and I couldn't have asked for better. We had all brought one present for one person so that we all had one present to open. Kellin Had brought Vic's and Vic had brought Kellin's while me and Oli had brought each others too.

We watched Vic and Kellin open their presents off each other first. Kellin recieved a photo frame with hundreds of photos of him and Kellin over the years, there were ones from when they met in high school, ones with Hayley, Tay and Jenna, a few with me as a baby, loads from their wedding, the new house etc, it was absolutely adorable. Meanwhile Vic was given a blanket with loads of photos of them printed on to material and sewn to make the blanket, it was also a beautiful gift.

I let Oli open his present first, it was a key, he had no idea what it was for but it was for an Audi R8 in white parked outside waiting for him but he'll have to wait and see. Then he gave me my present, it was a locket and on one side it had a picture of me and Oli and on the other side was a smaller version of my first ultrasound, it was a kind gesture. I loved it. We all exchanged thank you'd and kisses and then fished up our dinner.

We made our way outside and Kellin and Vic made their way to their car while I started walking in the opposite direction, Oli got confused so I reassured him "do you want to know what those keys are for? Come with me" he followed me and right around the corner was the car. He looked at it, then back at me and I'm pretty sure I saw a tear, he ran at me gently and kissed me, holding my belly gently at the same time. He opened the passenger door for me and closed it afterwards. Jumping in to the front seat, he was driving it amazingly well and I was impressed.

We soon arrived at San Diego Zoo, I was pretty confused. Oli let me out of the car and then we starters walking towards the entrance "Oli, it's closed?" He looked at me and smiled "I booked it just for us two" and sure enough when we got to the main entrance the security guard let us in. As I walked in Oli handed me a letter and then ran off quickly. I was confused and I didn't run after him. On the envelope was a number 1, I opened it and inside there was a piece of paper and a map, on the piece of paper it said "Go and see the monkeys I know you love em" and I made my way to the monkey enclosure using my map.

Oli was nowhere to be seen, instead, on the bench next to the enclosure was Avril, she was holding an envelope, at this point I was happy but confused, she hugged me? Handed me the envelope and then ran off, Hmm strange. I opened it and this time it said "go see the Tigers! Rawr!" I made my way to the tiger enclosure hoping to find Oli but instead there was Tay, Hayley and Jenna, I haven't seen them in ages, I hugged them and they handed me another envelope and then ran off. This one said "Time to take a trip to the lions!."

I got there and looked around everywhere for some sort of clue, I turned around and standing in front of me was Justin, Gabe and Jack. I smiled and hugged them, they too handed me and envelope, this one said "Go see the pandas please." When I got there right in front of me was Mike, Tony and Jaime, was not expecting them to be here, they also handed me an envelope before running off, this one said "not long now, go see the zebras". I smiled and made my way over to the zebras.

This time when I got there Kellin and Vic were there. "I thought you two went on a date?!?" "Yeah we came to the zoo!" They weren't very convincing, they handed me an envelope and winked before waking off hand in hand. This one said "last one baby, I'm at the elephant enclosure" I smiled and made my way there.

When I got there it was nothing I ever expected to see, there were at least a million rose petals everywhere in the shape of a heart and flowers surrounding it. Right in the centre of the heart was Oli, I was so confused and I must have been blushing like hell. I walked up to him "what the hell is going on?" He put a finger over my mouth and pointed behind me, when I turned around every one who had just handed me envelopes were there watching. Oli then took my hand and knelt down on one knee and said...

" Copeland, Ive made plenty of mistakes in my life, but i truly know this is not one of them. I love you with all my heart. Everyday that i have you by my side my love for you grows bigger. There are many ways to be happy in life, but all I need is you. You are a beautiful and caring person and when I look into your eyes all I see is love for others, you always put yourself last and it's truly spectacular. I promise you that no one will ever work harder to make you happy or cherish you more than me. We will have our ups and downs, but with our love we can get through it all and over come anything. You deserve the very best, someone who will back you up without limits, let you grow without borders, and love you without end. I just want to let you know that you mean so much more to me than you could ever imagine. I know that I probably don't say this enough but I appreciate you so much and I couldn't imagine going through the good and bad times with anyone else. You mean the world to me and words will never even begin to describe how happy I am with you. I know that things have been rough lately with all the baby hassle and the new house but I'm so glad I had you to stick by me through it all, and I want you to know I'm here for you through everything too. I really want things to be the best between the two of us and I will go to the end of the world for you. I mean it when I say that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I'm so glad to be able to call you mine. You are not only my girlfriend,but my best friend, my backbone and my most favorite person on earth. Please don't ever forget that. Copeland, will you marry me?"

I was in utter shock, I had no idea what to do. I just stood there while he pulled out the most beautiful ring ever, I didn't exactly say yes straight away but I put my hand out and let him put the ring on and I sort of hugged him and kissed him so I'm guessing that was a yes, I turned around to everyone taking photos of us, it was beautiful. I had them all to thank. We stayed at the zoo for about an hour, I was saying hello to every one, we finally got home around 5pm, we all cuddled up and watched a Christmas movie before going to bed. Wedding planning is not starting for awhile.

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