☓☓ chapter six ☓☓

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Question Of The Day:
Where are you guys from? :)

☓☓ chapter six ☓☓

"Asher get your lazy ass out of the bed NOW or this cup of coffee is going to have a chance to make out with your bed."

Nope. Not going to work this time.

"Mhm." I mumbled incoherently, stuffing my face deeper into the pillow.

I bet on my life she won't dare to pour anymore liquid or whatever not onto my bed after the last time, where mum made her clean the entire level one, her room and Chase's.

And let me tell you; Chase's room is even messier than mine, with pieces of Lego thrown around the floor.

You have no idea how much fun it was witnessing her cussing her lungs out when she stepped on those toys.

I'm sadistic I know, been told that before.


She can't be serious. Just ignore her, Asher.


Okay maybe she's serious. I take my words back - not going to bet on my life anymore.


"Okay! I'm up. Bloody hell, Amery! What do you want?" I groaned, sitting up on my bed.

Why can't I ever wake up like a normal human being? You know, without being threatened by my psychotic sister.

On. A. Freaking. Sunday.

When that ever happens, I bet hell would freeze over.

"What I want? For you to get your lazy ass out of bed and follow me to the hospital."


My eyes widened a fraction. Who's been admitted to the hospital? Surely it's not one of my family members. They seem pretty healthy yesterday.

Oh god, hold on. What if something happened at night? Like, you know, a sudden heart attack or rare disease?

As if sensing my anxiousness, she chuckled and replied, "Nothing happened to anyone, idiot. It's the voluntary work, remember?"

Oh. I'm so smart.

"Right. Give me five minutes." I replied, getting up from my bed. Amery nodded her head and got out, probably to get ready too.

So last week, she signed up for voluntary work at the hospital to earn herself more service points to get into a better college.

Now, you might be wondering why the hell I'm dragged into it too, right?

Well, well. My dear sister thought it would be fun to register for me too. So that explains why I'm dressed in a casual top, khakis and my favorite pair of vans now, getting ready to pull my car out of the driveway.

Why can't she just prolong her sleepover for another day and let me off today? It's Sunday for goodness sake. I deserve my beauty sleep.

Can't wait to get myself fused with the smell of disinfectant and deadly contagious germs.

Hold on. That doesn't exactly make sense.

Germs and disinfectant in the same sentence? How oxymoronic.

Nice going, Asher. Nice going.


"Come on! I know you want it. Just say yes!" Chelsea whined, batting her lashes.

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