Devoid of All senses

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The texture was soft, like silk, yet somehow the strands between his fingers felt brittle, as if it'd been exposed to the fridge air of the arctic or had been scorched under the heat of the sun. The fluctuation between hot and cold fascinated Bakugou who had busied himself with ruffling the mane of tresses he had clustered in his hands. There was an emitted aroma similar to that of an ocean breeze. Perhaps a shampoo? If he had to guess, off of hair alone he concluded it was half and half, he could imagine a guy like him using fragrant smells and shit like that. The blonde trailed his hands further down onto the face for confirmation of the person who loomed above him. The pads of his thumbs traced along the porcelain skin until his fingers brushed against a dry patch. It was just beneath the lid of the left eye and as he felt along the socket he could deduce that the mark expanded way above the brow ridge and onto the forehead. The teen had never paid much attention to the defect and hadn't realized just how extensive the burn was.

"Half and half?" he called for confirmation. It was as if the wool had been pulled over his eyes and there was nothing but the darkness and a sense of a presence. There was nothing else, not an image, nor a shape, hell, not even a blurred misshapen form similar to one who has sustained a concussion. Fuck, what was this? Why couldn't he see even though his eyes were wide open?

The blonde had confirmed that his lids retained their function. The first thing Bakugou had done that morning was rub his knuckles against his closed lids and waited for the effects of sleep to fade, however after a minute of darkness he had realized something was amiss. The teen brought his hands up to his face and felt along his eyes. When he blinked he expected the world to form or even just a flood of light to shine through, but he soon came to understand that his mind was indeed conscious and it was his sight that was gone. Not reduced, just gone.

There was a sudden burst of hot air and the blonde had only just realized whoever was in front of him had been close, too close. Bakugou knew that the person had responded, because of the release of air that brushed against his cheek. But there was no sound. It was as if he was down under, his ears full of water. Even though he had smacked his earlobes repeatedly until they were red they never popped and the sounds of the world never returned to him. Shit he was deaf too? What the fuck?

At this point his breath was intermingled with the other person's and he couldn't distinguish where his ended and the other's began. There was another spout of hot air and it made him shudder.

The white and red toned haired student called again, "Bakugou?" Todoroki stared in confusion but did not pull away when the blonde trailed his hands over his form. What was wrong with him? Todoroki thought Bakugou was acting a bit strange. Was this an initiation of some sort? Did this mean they were friends now?

By now the whole class was staring their mouths agape as Bakugou felt up his classmate. Todoroki noted how pensive the blonde was, his brows furrowed as if he was contemplating. Those crimson red orbs shifted back and forth as if in search, but the set of reds seemed glazed over and unfocused.

Kirishima arched a brow, "Bah-Bakugou?"

"Dude," Kaminari broke the awkward silence that had reigned over the room. "What the hell?"

"Right," Sero uttered in agreement looking at the two. Whatever that was, it was fucking weird.

"Interesting," Ashido had her chin in her hands as she leaned forward to catch a better look.

Midoriya wanted to interject but was afraid to comment. What was going on? It was as if he had entered another dimension. Had he? Had he been hit with a quirk that could warp the inter-dimensional plane of their existence? Midoriya began to ramble, hand curled under his chin as he ran through all the possibilities that could have cause this affliction.

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