Walk in the park

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"Why do you always just-" Error screamed at Fresh for the 3rd time. "Always- ALWAYS JUST NOT CARE??!" A pair of glasses sat broken on the floor. A piece of bone covered with magic leaking out stuck out of Fresh's skull. Geno has been in the hospital for the 2nd time this week. While Error had been worried sick, Fresh was so happy with not a care in the world. Not like he could care. Fresh was emotionless. A frown sat on his face as Fresh sat on the floor of the living room. Error had reached his breaking point so many times, that Fresh had gotten used to it.
"Calm down broski.. just-"


Fresh looked straight into Error's eyes with a blunt stare. Momma would've interfered at this point. Thought Fresh, and uncle Asy isn't here today... Suddenly, the sounds of locks turning rose through the two skeletons' nonexistent ears. The door opened up to the shocked faces of Cq and Geno.

"Error? W-what are you doing?!!" She yelled with fear, running to Fresh's side. Error began to tear up, running to his room. A loud slam followed behind. Geno stared at Fresh's broken glasses that were on the floor. "D-did.. did you have a fight with Error again?" Said Geno as he began to pick up the pieces. "Nah. Bro's just a little mad. That's all." Fresh chuckled as Cq bandaged his head. Standing up, she sighed.

"I need to do something about this." Cq walked over to Error's room, knocking on the door. "Error. Come out."

The door opened up and revealed a small crying skeleton. "Error. Why don't you take a walk outside with Fresh to make up." As tears streamed down his face, Error looked at Cq. "W-what??"

"Come on, Error."
Fresh sat on the sofa, right next to Geno. The two sat in awkward silence.
"So what did the doctor say?"

"Well.. he said that I just need to take some medicine and I'll be fine."


Cq was holding Error's had as she stood in front of Fresh. "Go outside. Both of you." She said, not strictly,but more worryingly. Fresh seemed surprised. This is new. He thought, but went outside as Error followed.

"Wait!" Yelled Geno. "I wanna go too."

Cq looked at Geno with a disapproving stare. "Geno, you are too sick to-"
"Mom. Please." Pleaded Geno as he looked at his mother with determined eyes. Cq sighed. "Alright, go ahead. Be back at 4:30"
They all headed outside, a silent tension filling up. "Do... you wanna go to the art store?" Asked Geno, attempting to stop the awkwardness. Error nodded, clearly happy with whatever Geno wanted. Fresh shrugged with a fake smile plastered on his face. "Sure. Why not." As the three brothers were about to cross the street, the ground suddenly swallowed them whole, leading them to


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