hEy ThErE

539 11 3

Long time no see?
It's been about 2 months since I've updated this book, and I gotta say, wOW. 2k views? Thanks y'all.

The reason I haven't been here in a while is because of well, I didn't have the inspiration to even continue this. I didn't have the inspiration to write. The ending to this book will be rushed.

I'm not in the Undertale fandom anymore. Don't get me wrong, I will have so many nostalgic memories and Undertale with always have a place in my heart, but I'm just not into it today. Maybe in the future I'll make some more Undertale fics, but just not right now.

So, yes, I will continue this book. But it will be rushed. There will most likely be about 2-4 more chapters? Sorry, but I am just not into this concept anymore and really want to see it completed.

Not to mention, mY wRiTiNg. wOW, I HAVE BEEN READING MY PAST CHAPTERS AND I AM CRINGING SO BADLY. So please, don't mind if I have a new writing style.

Haha, again, thank you for sticking around. I am continuing this book, and that's all that matters.

-7H3 4U7H0R, ;)

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