Ichiro Tsukamoto – ichigo (blaze always changed it so he just gave up)
Akuma Tsugichi – aku-ma
Katsu Nagata – bowlofrice
Nero – heartbreaker
Blaze – flameboy
Bubble – waterboy
Nik – flowerisbest
Gisela – dragonempress
Alto - wakemeupinsideaku-ma has added bowlofrice, heartbreaker, flameboy, waterboy, flowerisbest, dragonempress, wakemeupinside to the group chat.
aku-ma: Ichiro-sama requested me to make this so we can all talk !
dragonempress: Aku-san it is literally 2:18 AM. I need my beauty sleep so my scales wont look bad!!
heartbreaker: but we dont sleep
waterboy: It refreshes your minds. You should try. +heartbreaker
flameboy: hel nah +waterboy
bowlofrice: In the name of Ichiro-sama, please got the fck to sleep.
heartbreaker: no way!!!!!!! >:)
flameboy: ^ agreed
dragonempress: Why was there a loud thud?
aku-ma: I heard it too.
flowerisbest: it was Bubble hitting Blaze's head.. >->
aku-ma: This is the fifth time this day.
waterboy: He deserves it.
flameboy: i hate you, why are you my brother +waterboy
aku-ma: Don't talk to your brother like that ! Atleast he's alive .
aku-ma: What ? Am I wrong ?
heartbreaker: NO YOU'RE NOT-- IT'S OK--
bowlofrice: guys what's that crying sound i'm hearing from my pot??
ichigo: [PICTURE: Aku-ma sitting and crying]
ichigo: look at what you've done.
ichigo: are you proud???
flameboy: shit
waterboy: You better watch out, +flameboy
dragonempress: Oh god I hear running outside.
ichigo: aku-ma just gave up on me. :(
flowerisbest: oh no!! I'll bring him his favorite flowers in the morning. >-<
ichigo: he says thank you +flowerisbest
dragonempress: Tell him I like him a lot and he's the mom of the group and we all love him!!!
dragonempress: Right guys??
bowlofrice: hell yeah!!
heartbreaker: i can't describe how much i love him. TT stay!!! safe!!!
flowerisbest: Yeaa!!! :D
waterboy: As he is Upper Moon One, I respect him at all costs!
flameboy: I too, respect him!
flameboy: THANKS FOR STEALING MY PHONE. +waterboy
ichigo: he says you guys should go off now - he's ok!
ichigo: alright then night!!
Everyone has gone offline.
demon & slayer shenanigans
General FictionUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yeah lol. this's basically is from another rp with my friend shino. the rp is bascially based off from Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba (which i recommend you watch). but it's not entirely the same. tHIS'LL CHANGE WHEN I MAKE UP S...