Chapter 4.

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Hello! So here it is. Chapter 4:) Sorry it's a little short, i've been busy with school work. I hope you enjoy:)xx  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Darcy's POV * 

I saw Lou narrowing his eyes at Harry. If looks could kill, Harry would have died come back to life and died again. The rest of the boys were looking around my room.

" Oh, look what I found." I turned around to see Zayn holding up one of my favorite bra's. 

" Zayn! Give me that back.....NOW!" I demanded. 

" Haha, I knew you liked me Darc but this.......I am so touched." Said Louis wiping away a fake tear. If you havn't guesed, my bra has Lou's face on it. No, that's not why its my favorite. Its just really cumfy. 

" Har har. Zayn please give me it back?" I pleaded with my best puppy dog eyes.

" Ugh, I can't say no to those eye! Okay fine, here you go." Zayn gave me it back and I put it back in the drawer where it belongs.

" Hey Darc, not that, that isn't flattering and all......but why do you have a bra with my face on it?" Questioned Louis.

" I didn't even know they made those." Mutterd Niall to himself. Out of no where he screamed. 

" I'M GOING TO BUY ONE WITH MY FACE ON IT!!!" He was jummping up and down. We all couldn't help but burst into fits of laughter. 

" Mate, you don't even have boobs, why the hell do you want a bra?" Questioned Liam trying to control his laughter.

" I just want it okay? Don't judge me." pouted Niall. 

After 5 minutes of laughing I finally controled it enough to speak." Haha anyways, to answer your question Lou, I have that bra beacuse my dad got it for me for my birthday. He thought it would be funny." I saw the boys trying to hold in their laughs. 

" Go ahead and laugh all you want, but I promise that I don't have anything eles with your faces on it." I said with a huff. Zayn stopped laughing and looked at me with a serious face. 

" you're saying you don't have anything with my face on it!?" Gasped Zayn. I let out a laugh. 

" Nope, sorry to disapoint." I looked at my clock and saw that it was 11:30am. 

" It was nice meeting you guys for the first time and all but do you mind getting out? I have to get ready." I said. The boys all nodded and left. I've only known these boys for about half hour but it feels like I've known them my whole. I quickly hopped into the shower.  When I steped out I put on a pair of denim shorts, a white lace off the sholder top and pair of black combat boots. I decided to put my hair up in a high pony tail and a little bit of mascara, blush and lip gloss, keeping my make up natural.  When I was finished I went down stairs and saw the lads sitting on the sofa watching some game show. 

" Having fun boys?" I questioned. They chuckled. I walked towards the couch and sat down inbetween Harry and Louis, putting my head on Harry's shoulder. I saw Lou tense up next to me. I looked up and saw him glaring at Harry again. Seriously what is with him? I just ignored him and turned towards the rest of the lads. 

" I'M HUNGRY!!" screamed Niall from the end of the couch. 

" Why don't we order pizza?" I asked getting up and getting the phone. I looked around and everyone was pleased with my suggestion. They all told me what they wanted. I ended up ordering one regular, one pepproni, one pinapple and two beacon pizzas. Who's gonna eat all this? I have no idea. I walked back into the living room and saw everyone sitting in a circle. 

" Whatcha guys doin?" I question sitting down on the floor. This time sitting in the middle of Zayn and Niall. 

" Playing Truth or Dare." Said Louis with a massive grin. Oh no. This is gonna be interesting. 

* Harry's POV * 

" Niall I dare you to......bite Liams toe." said Zayn. 

" EWWW. Thats disgusting. I am not letting Niall bite my toe." Protested Liam. I let out a chuckle. 

" C'mon man, Let me just get this over with. I do not want to face the consequence."  Said Niall. The deal was that if you didn't do the dear you had to run outside in nothing but your underwear. Not that bad right? Wrong. There's paparazzi everywhere! And unless you want your half naked body on the cover of a magazine, I'd do the dare.

" Fine" huffed Liam. After Niall bit Liams toe it was Nialls turn to pick.

" Louis, Truth or Dare?"

" Dare."  

" I dare you to switch cloths with Darcy." He said with a evil smirk. This was gonna be funny watching Louis trying to fit his big bum into Darcys shorts. 

" Okay." Louis said. Him and Darcy went to the room to change. I have got to admit that I was slightly jealous, but i got over it. Louis and Darcy are best friends, I have got to rememeber that. When they came out I couldn't help but laugh. Louis could barley walk because the cloths were so tight on him. As for Darcy, it was the complete opposite. She did look cute, even in baggy cloths. 

" Next. Lou, you pick." Said Niall.

" Zayn, Truth or Dare?"

" Truth." Zayn usually picks truth, he's a whimp when it comes to dares.

" Is it true you kiss your Megan Fox poster everynight before you go to bed?"

Zayn blushed and mumbled a yes. We broke out into laughter. Zayn decided to skip, so he gave his turn to Liam.

" Darcy, Truth or Dare?" Asked Liam.

She looked unsure of her self but than picked. " Dare."  

All the boys had evil smirks on their faces. Uh Oh, this can't be good. 

" Darcy, I dare you to kiss Harry." said Liam


Again sorry for the short update. I promise I will make it up in the next chapter:) I hope you liked it:) xx

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