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Assalamou Alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh 

    I dedicate this book to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)
   To my beloved mum , my beloved hubby and to my beautiful baby safiyya.
And then to...
To all the Hijabis
To all the niqabis
To all the striving muslimahs
To all the queens of jannah
And I hope and pray that we all benefits from it.

      I know, we all know that is not easy to be a hijabi ,is not easy to be a niqabi, is not easy to go out without putting on a perfume, without makeup etc but yet as a striving muslimahs we are trying to conquer the temptations and follow what is halal and avoiding what is Haram  ...Mashaallah.

May the king of the kings help us and may we all meet in jannah. Amen.

           Don't forget to vote and share with friends and families anything you find useful.
           And please add me in your salah.
    Until then ma'assalam.

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