1- Returning back to Gwangju

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All i could hear was screaming and crying as i woke up from my bed in the middle of the night hearing glass breaking and things smashing from all the way downstairs in the kitchen.

My heart thumped realising something bad was happening when my older brother came running upstairs to me, pushing me into the wardrobe, panting heavily as the shrieks from downstairs were getting louder, with grunts and slashing noises of cuts were heard following upstairs.

"J-junghyun w-whats-"

He placed his hand on my cheek whilst I shaked uncontrollably cutting me down from my words.

"Look Kookie we don't have much time, stay here and be quiet. Don't come out. There's intruders and I-i don't even know, but I know that whatever's happening is bad and my priority is to keep you safe right now.."

Footsteps were heard coming upstairs as a figure starting growling emerging up the stairs, "find whatever those scumbag children they have".

He looked at me in fear and gripped my shouldhers tightly looking intimidatingly deep into my eyes, "Do u understand kook, whatever happens to me or our parents, you don't make a sound, peep or do anything. Am I clear?!"

I nodded feeling tears escape my eyes feeling as if my brother was saying goodbye to me forever. "I l-love u hyung."

He looked at me briefly as he smiled a little, hugging me tightly, creasing his eyebrows as if he was trying to hold back the pain from crying not wanting to look weak in front of me as he kissed my forehead, "Know I'm always there".

He pointed at my chest where my heart was as I let out a little cry when he covered my mouth shushing me as he didn't want the others to hear.

"I need to go bunny, remember what I told u, I love you..".

Before I could say anything back he shut the wardrobe as I looked through the holes at Junghyun whilst tears rolled down my cheek.

We shared one last heart breaking look before the door slammed open with people coming barging in throwing our parents on the floor as I covered my mouth in horror seeing them bruised and scarred to death.

I closed my eyes covering my ears as i held back my breath hearing screams from Junghyun and my parents as ruthless whips and shooting lights of somewhat happened before me.

My heart ached hearing them as I silently cried, not making any noise and shaked in fear like a coward not helping my family and just sat there as instructed by my brother. I just witnessed the murder of my most beloved ones, being a selfish brat who just sat there in fear.

I peeked through the holes one last time and to my surprise saw two different kinds of ...people...I didn't even know, One side of the group looked fair as if they held a grace with them looking..dangerously innocent whilst the other side was completely opposite holding a dark position with a thick dark emanating look.
I starting shaking in more fear as they looked unrealistic and waited for the figures to leave, which left a thick dark scary aroma when they left.
After a few minutes I quickly sprawled out of the cupboard bawling my eyes out as I saw Junghyun and my parents lay on the floor, dead.

I screamed horrified shouting for help as none was recieved, hugging Junghyuns body close to me crying into his shoulder that fell weak into my arms.
I held him as I painfully looked at my parents till they started to..catch on fire.
I quickly stood up screaming as flames came from their bodies, seeing that junghyun had too started to catch fire.

I was completely shook and saw them burn to death and disspear like ash, not knowing what just happened, i started breathing heavily as I ran from my house and into the woods crying heavily as I raced through the forest stopping after a while to catch my breath looking up at the sky as i broke down crying.


I woke up panting heavily as I got up from the ground looking around me at the trees and the starry night. "Stupid damn nightmare...".

I sighed running a hand through my hair as i stood up shuffling on the dirt i had fallen asleep on.

I groaned feeling my body ache as i walked around to take my mind off the dreadful memory, i had kind of gotten used to it and used it to my advantage to build my confidence and moved out into the woods as my parents house was no longer ours.


After all he couldn't afford to pay the rent for it by himself as a young teen.
When he ran away that day on that horrible night, the rumours of that night spreading fastly, no one cared enough to even ask where he was or offer up a place for him to stay.

For gods sake he was young and no one even helped and when he described the figures that murdered his parents, he came off as a liar and got humiliated by the public which ended up having a badder result on him as he now lived in the woods.

He got pretty used to it, the advantage was that he growed stronger and made his own way of living in peace with him knowing the area of his surroundings well, knowing what to do if a threat came to him like wolves and bigger animlas.

He always kept his guard, still searching and seeking revenge for his family's death he swore he would get back and held the necklace he was given for his fourteenth birthday in his fists tightly as it was the only thing he still had from his family that was given to him. He sighed looking down as he did get quite bored often, he was fifteen when the incident happened. He remembered the title he'd get from neighbouring houses as the sweet innocent boy in the village till that night.

He had ran miles away from his hometown never coming back as he reached to a new town which was smaller than his last but better, he thought he would get some clues from there on the figures he saw on that night but got none.

He decided to stay there not wanting to go back to his hometown anyways.

Time skip~

A few four years had passed and he was now walking down the forests making his way back to his hometown as he needed some more resources like from a historic library, Gwangju which was Jungkooks hometown was well known for the oldest running library and knew in order to get more information that he'd have to go to the one place he never wanted to go back to.

Jungkook sighed as he walked down the forest at least 20 miles away from Gwangju and kicked purposefully at the pebbles beneath him .

"I wonder if anyone would recognise me..".

He had changed a lot, his innocent image he used to have as a young boy was destroyed and now replaced by a bad boy image with more handsome, manly and pretty feminine features, his shoulders were broader as he worked on his muscles and the structure of his body and grew well defined abs people would gush at, at the other town Pabloa.

He got closer to the village seeing the familiar river running through the better constructed bridges than what he had last saw ages ago in front of him. "Let's see if they realise it's me, I hope they fucking don't or my ass is dead."

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