Naturally - Seunghun

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Sure, being best friends with a well-known trainee was tedious. The fact that you were barely able to see each other, or the fact that you had to be sneaky when you finally did, but Seunghun was worth it.

You'd been friends with him since eight grade.

He was in the typical 'new student' situation. He needed someone to show him around and help him get comfortable, and of course you were volun-told to be that someone.

You weren't thrilled at first, not really feeling the whole 'having to socialize' bit, but given that you were probably the only student that actually gave a shit about class, they chose you.

Because of course the last thing the school needed was another troublemaker.

His first impression seemed pretty stuck up, so you definitely weren't feeling like spending the first week stuck to him. Especially when you found out you had four classes with him; First, third, sixth, and seventh. Even sharing the same lunch shift.


"I guess we're off to first then." You mumbled, handing him his schedule back.

He was pretty quiet, only nodding and humming to everything you said. He didn't even ask questions in class.

The only time he spoke up was during lunch.

"So, you eat alone?" He whispered, almost afraid to offend you.

"By choice." You said in a normal volume. "I don't really enjoy the talk of 'what's new with celebrities' or 'who wore it better?'" You mocked before you bit into your small pre-made salad. "But by all means, you can go join them." You looked over at him.

"No, I was just wondering like, you don't have any.."

"What?" You chuckled. "Friends?"

"Well, yeah." He shrugged, using his fork to move around the school's poor excuse of a meal.

"Don't worry." You reassured him. "I'm the same as you, actually." You nodded. "I was new last year. Most of my friends are still at my old school, but at lease we're all going to the same high school." You shrugged.

"So you've been on your own for two years?" He raised a brow, placing the fork down and looking at you with soft eyes.

"Yeah, but it's nothing really." You shrugged, trying not to meet his gaze. "I'm used to being on my own by now."

"Then let me be your temporary friend." He smiled, sitting up and sticking his hand out. "I'm Seunghun."

You giggled at the gesture and put a hand over your mouth to cover it.

"Sure." You smiled, grabbing his hand and shaking it.

"I'm y/n."


As the year went on, the more you got attached to him.

Not attached as in feelings, but attached as in getting used to him being around.

Especially during high school.

You had introduced him to your friends and of course came the 'so when are you gonna start dating?' questions, but those didn't matter because their schedules didn't collide with yours as much as Seunghun's did.

And given how close your schedules were, you would meet up in the morning and walk to the doughnut shop to get breakfast, just to eat it on the way back and be slightly late to class.

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