2. Charlie's routeen

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Charlie begins to not talk to anyone .. His parents began to notice something strange but they don't care about because they think it was a chance passenger. The charlie's routine was..
7.00 am. Charlie wakes up.  In his face you could see something evil.. had wrinkles, dark circles and the flaky skin. But he said that was fine... his parents did not believe it.
7.30 am. Breakfast time. Charlie always eat slowly, do not hurry. This morning ate breakfast as if he saw for months, looking bad his parents. His black eyes frightened parents. Finally, the breakfast was over.
8.00 am. The school. His mum accompanies charlie to school. In the car makes strange gestures.  Mum notices. After five minutes of silence charlie goes out of the car to go to school. All locked at him wrong. Was dressed in a strange way, with that face and without emotions. Teachers also noticed something strange.  Charlie hates everything and everyone. The lessons passed quickly and the school day was over.
16.00 pm. Charlie comes home tired from the school day. The parents try to ask him if there was anything wrong with him. But he said was all right. With his black eyes scared at his parents. Charlie was tired and went to sleep. He didn't even homework.  Charlie was bad at shool. He was asleep when he shake often.
20.00 pm. Dinner time. Like breakfast, Charlie ate hurry. Looked angry. After eating went straight to bed without taking a shower and without done homework. 

But happened something strange,  paranormal.. -----> ----->
Al prossimo capitoloo *-* ♡♡♡♡

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 20, 2014 ⏰

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