Chapter 22

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The floor was lurching. In fact, the whole world seemed to be moving, warping like funhouse mirrors, the Praetor's face flattening and enlarging until it looked like a huge pancake. She had the potential to destroy humanity? Sophia's stomach lurched in time with the floor as the Praetor's words imprinted themselves into her mind like a fiery hot brand. Someone had messed with her, had messed with her fundamental being, turning her into a monster capable of destroying her own kind. Sophia felt sickened.

The rest of them looked only slightly less shocked than she was; Samantha's mouth was wide open and James's face looked pale. Only Valentino looked slightly unfazed, though his eyes were narrowed, their gold hue darker than they normally were. It was the pity in Kaly's eyes that shook Sophia out of her daze, blinking several times as the world righted around her.

"Me?" she echoed, staring at Eleanor.

It was the Praetor who spoke next. "I apologize for the way such a thing was thrown at you, but it was better for you to know- and as soon as possible. Anadeus asked that you be handed to him, and as his thanks, he will spare the Elementales and those you love. If not, he will take you himself and raze the world to the ground."

A deep chill was settling in Sophia's bones, the sound of her heartbeat amplified in her ears. It was Kaly who spoke next. "We cannot hand Sophia to him, at any cost. Especially if what he says is true."

"I agree," the Praetor said, the black of her hair gleaming in the dim light. "Such power cannot be placed in the hands of an enemy, especially one who consorts with- leads- the Viperi." She leaned forward, the sleeve of her lightsuit riding up to reveal a black design of the triquetra on the inside of her wrist- the mark of the Principatus.

Eleanor's sharp voice sounded to her left. "But Anadeus may also take the girl himself. If he does that, we along with the mortals will be wiped out. That is not a risk I'd be willing to take."

The Praetor shot her a glance. "It is a risk I'd be willing to take. The mortal world is too high a price to pay for the salvation of the Elementale race."

As she spoke, Samantha turned to her, speaking in a low, quiet voice. "I know you well enough to know that you're not worried about whether or not he'll find you. But you think you're different now, don't you? Tainted?"

Sophia steeled herself, forcing her expression into neutrality. She shrugged nonchalantly. "Sam, stop worrying about me. I won't do anything stupid."

"That'd be a first," Samantha replied, though she still looked dubious.

Sophia turned away before she could say anymore, speaking to the Praetor. "Then what can we do now?"

The Praetor returned her gaze, hands clasped in front of her. "Members of the Praei and Vanguard are already searching for this man. If he is anywhere in Asteri or in the mortal world, we will find him. As for now, it would be best if you stayed somewhere well guarded, such as the Wind Castle."

Sophia frowned. "For how long?"

"Until Anadeus is no longer a threat," Eleanor said, speaking up. There was still a hint of annoyance in her voice- probably from the Praetor's earlier retort.

"Which is how long?" Sophia wanted to know.

Kaly shot her a warning glance. "Sophia."

Sophia turned to look at her. "I only want to know what kind of timeframe I'm looking at- two weeks, a month, years?" Besides, she was enjoying watching Eleanor's face get redder and redder, no matter how hard she tried to keep her composure. Out of the corner of her eye, Sophia could see James trying to stifle a laugh, the corner of his mouth quirking up despite his best efforts.

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