🌲 Chapter 15: Merry Christmas 🌲

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A/N: I know it's late deal with it. I had like almost a girl become obsessed with me and yah now the stress of life.

Todoroki's POV
I stood in front of Kat's door with his present in my hand. I knock and he opens. I push him into his room bear hugging him. He looks at me and smiles, "good morning, Shoto"

I hold out the envelope, "merry Christmas, my favorite male"

I watch as Kat opens the envelope and his eyes go wide. He looks at me, "babe, you didn't!"

"Oh but I did"

He hold the envelope to his chest, then hugs me tight. I see a tear slip from his eyes, "I am confidently assuming these are tears of joy?"

"Sho, thank you so fucking much!"

Now you may be wondering what was in the envelope. Well yah see, I found enough of my stored money to give to him. I gave him the exact amount to get top surgery.

My man was going to get his wish. I was happy to be with him on his journey and provide him with as much as I can.

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