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*Next day*
Chloë POV

I absolutely can't wait till tomorrow, I finally get to go and see one of my idols in concert! im so happy!

I throw my legs over the side of my bed, brushing my brown hair out of my face, sighing as my hair doesn't do as I want it to do
"I am your master! listen to me my children. You shall be tamed"
giggiling at myself as I relise im talking to myself, I quickly put my hair into a messy bun and throw on a large huddie so its baggy and comfortable to longue about in for a while.

My feet pad against the wodden floor through the hallways that leads to the kitchen I hear my roommate, Lissa singing in the kithen

She screams, hearing her from the top of the stairs is normal but what I see is strange... actually for her this is a normal day. Lissa is standing in the sink giggling, shaking her ass and using a spatuala as an imaginary guitar. She swings her head around head banging to the music and tries to jump out of the sink when the last note of the song comes to a close, but, because she is a clumsy child she falls out of the sink onto the floor face first.

"Aw shite. Lissa are you okay? you huligan, why they hell were you dancing in a sink? jesus!"
I look over at Lissa on the floor, and what is she doing? she is freaking laughing. she just fell out of a sink and she is laughing. insert face palm here.

"I'm fine! calm yo tits"
she laughs and jumps up of the floor but winces

"You sure?"
I stiffle laughter and giggle in my hands.

"Yer just remind me never to dance in a sink, okay?" Lissa pokes out her tongue and turns around, and pours some pancake mixture into the pan.

"You should know not to dance in a sink, it's only logical"
I smirk as I know she know where 'it's only logical' comes from, Lissa smirks and retorts with a "beam 'em up scotty"
sticking her tongue out childishly.

I sigh and flick her nose
"Make pancakes now, me your god. puney human make food"

Lissa paints a shocked face over her normal poker face and sticks her middle finger up
she screams as she "smashes" eggs into a spare pan to make scrambled eggs to go with the pancakes and some bacon, thats cooking in the oven for me. Lissa doesn't eat meat, she's a vegetarian, I don't know how she survives, she's anemic already! I try to get her to eat meat cause I don't want her to end up fainting but she allways refuses.


she acknowledges while scrambling the eggs in the pan and putting them on a plate

"I want you to meet some new people, some friends of mine"

Lissa stiffens up and turns all the pans off and puts our breakfast on the bar infront of me.
"I don't know-"
she trails off, biting on her nails, her anxiety showing

"please hun, their nice people"
I stare at her while she bites on her nails. I know she doesn't like meting new people or even go out anywhere, I mean with her past and everything I understand why she gets skittish. You see, when she was 5 her mom left, leaving her and her twin baby sister, by 2 minutes, with her dad. It was all okay living with her dad even though she did miss her mom she never showed it because she wanted to be strong for her little sister. But then her dad started drinking and he would be home drunk all the time, her dad became an abusive alcoholic and hit her, punched, kicked, hurt her physically, emotionally and socially. Even sexuallly abused her. I found Lissa when I was in the park when I was 14, herself 14 also, she was shaking hiding under the slide hugging, who now I know as her sister. I found out a week later what happened, her sister found her dad raping her so she took her chance when her dad was asleep and woke her sister up, pulled a few blankets and money with her and ran to the park. We are both now 21, we-

"Stop it"
she hissed rousing me from my thoughts

She interrupts my train of thought once again

"Stop thinking about that day, I'm not broken, I may be a little torn around the edges but im not 100% gone. I'm here aren't I?"

"Im sorry it just makes me so upset that he hurt you, he had no right to so so-"
I was cut of by a tear falling down my cheek and me cursing at the fact that im crying.

"Do you want a hug?"

"Are you sure? you don't need to give me a hug"
I stumbled upon my own words

" It's okay, I trust you now I geuss I mean it's been, what? 7years?"

"7 years"
a smile tugging on my lips I lean forward with my arm stretched out away from my body

"Come ere mate"
I chuckle at Lissa trying to sound manly and go over and give her a hug. She was a little skittish and flinched when I lifted my arms but now she is hugging me back.

"I'm proud of you Lissa!"

"Thank you now enough of this mushy shit and lets go get dressed she I can go get my hair re-dyed, my roots are coming through"
she says as she cradles her hair, cooing at it as she walks to her room.

I'm so proud of Lissa for letting me nock her wall down to give her a hug and let her know I'm not going to hurt her. Walkimg to my room I hear Lissa turning her amp on and playing her bass.


I scream back through the walls dividing our bedrooms

"Invite one of your friend?"

"You sure Liss Liss"
I reply using the childhood name I gave her when I found her.

"Yer, just stay with me okay?"

"Of course"

she quietens down after that but she mumbles one other thing
"I need more band merch"

Of course she dose! that's all she has in her wardrobe and that's all she wears.


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