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no one's pov

"emma please!" ethan yells. this causes emma to flinch, startled by his strong tone of voice. she frowns as another tear traces a path down ethan's cheek.

"ethan i'm sorry, but i have to do this. it's best for the both of us and we both know it. it's just that we don't hang out anymore, our fans are giving me more and more hate and i can't deal with all of it. we can still be friends, but i think, i think, i-"

"what do you think emma?!" ethan yells again slamming his hand down on his bedside table. tears start to fall from emma's bright blue eyes when he's done yelling. she doesn't want to do this, but it's for the best.

"i think i've lost feelings for you e." she whispers out as she looks down at the ground, playing with her fingers. ethan takes a small step towards emma and she slowly raises her head, looking into ethan's eyes. more and more tears are one-by-one falling from his eyes, instantly making emma feel guilty.

"come on em, you don't mean that." he sighs. "we had a great thing going on between us, why'd you lose feelings? i-i love you emma..." he barely says the last part. if emma wasn't listening to him, she never would've heard him say he loves her. she grabs ethan's hands and they look each other in the eyes. "i really mean it em. please don't leave me." he sobs as he leans into her shoulder.

"oh ethan!" she cries, wrapping her hands around his waist, and pulling him closer to her. "it'll be okay ethan. you'll meet another girl, you'll fall in love with her. you'll eventually forget about me and you'll be happy again. i just want you to be happy." he lifts his head off of her shoulder.

"but that's the thing, i don't want to forget about you." he sighs, "i don't think i ever will em." he quickly says under his breath. emma looks at her phone to check the time and sees she has a text from a boy she met on tik tok. that boy is the one and only aaron hull. "em? who's that?" ethan asks slowly, in a i guess you could say suspicious tone. she quickly throws her phone back in her bag and drops it on the floor. 

"no one!" she yelps. ethan steps back with his hands in the air, as if he's surrendering. "listen, maybe we can talk later, but i have to go ethan." she picks up her bag and walks out of ethan's room. ethan sits down on his bed and throws his head in his hands and runs them through his jet-black hair. when he hears emma's car door shut, he gets up and sulks over to his bedroom window. as soon emma's car pulls out of the driveway, he starts to cry as if emma's leaving him forever as she drives away. 

"I LOVED HER AND SHE GIVES ME THIS?" ethan yells. he picks up a photo of them and throws it across the room and it hits his dark gray wall, shattering the glass into pieces, almost as many pieces that his heart is in at the moment. he plays the events in his head over and over again, crying and screaming even louder each time.

"i think i've lost feelings for you e." she whispers out as she looks down at the ground, playing with her fingers. ethan takes a small step towards emma and she slowly raises her head, looking into ethan's eyes. "come on em, you don't mean that." 

but the thing ethan doesn't know is, she really truly  did mean every word she said, no matter what ethan thinks or not.

a/n~ hey loves! im back with a new book! i havent seen an aaron and emma book like this yet so i thought id try it out and see where it goes! im open to suggestions always. i love you all so much and i hope this book is a little better than my last one lol. 

anyways, gm or gn, i love you <3

~ julia

~702 words 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2019 ⏰

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