Long Time Love

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Requested?: Yes, by CrybabyYoungGod

Word Count: 836

Ship: Melanie Martinez X Female!Reader

A/N: It has been so long. I took a break and I kinda regret it but I'm back. I'm sorry this took so long to write. I hope you enjoy it.
I think I'm going to start writing for more people so if there is any artist yall are interested in, I might start writing for them. I'm also only updating this book if I get requests anymore so I can work on some other things. Requests are open and the only rule is no smut. That said I still may decline your request.

(Y/N)'s POV

  Growing up in Baldwin was always interesting, especially with it being a census-designated town in Hempstead. And when the Martinez's moved in next to my parents and I when I was four, my whole world was rocked. With their oldest daughter Melanie and there soon to be son Joseph. Everything seemed to be going at a faster pace. Melanie and I became fast friends that summer and ended up attending the same school and being in the same class.

  Our families would have weekend barbeques together and Mel and I had sleepovers every weekend, switching between her house and mine. It was a beautiful friendship and it lasted through many things. Through liking the same boy in middle school, being jealous of one another for petty reasons; looks, boyfriends, popularity, stupid things. We always made it through though.

  I was even there when Melanie tried out for The Voice. I remember how nervous she was and almost backed out but I reassured her that she would do great and she did. She got on the show and made it to Week 5! I'm so proud of her to this day for that. Over the years though I noticed Melanie in a different way than I used to.

  I noticed how every time she smiled at me or laughed at a joke I made, her smile would make my heart race a bit. Or when she would sing me one of the songs she had written recently, they always made me feel butterflies in my stomach. Ever hug, handhold, snuggle for a movie, it made me feel different than before. I realized a few years later that I loved Melanie and that I was gay.

  I keep it deep down because I figured Melanie didn't feel that way too. She had never talked to me about liking girls or anything like that. I was able to keep my feelings to myself and stay best friends with Mel, even if it did kill me a bit.

  I was hanging out with Melanie today since her debut album was coming out in about two weeks and she had a free day. I was super excited to get to see her and hang out since it had been forever since we had gotten to, in reality, it had only been about a month but it felt like forever. Especially when you're in love with a person!

  We had decided to stay at Melanie's place and watch some movies. Popcorn, candy, chocolate, the whole shebang. We decided to watch Beetle Juice, Mel's favorite Tim Burton movie, then watch (F/M). We were about halfway through Beetle Juice when Melanie scooted next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. I preceded to lay my head on hers. She continued to snuggle up to me the rest of the movie, I didn't really think anything of it as we used to all the time.

  Once the movie was done I had gotten up to change the disc to (F/M). "(Y/N), before we start (F/M) can we talk a little!" Melanie had asked me, she was looking down at her hands sheepishly. Melanie hadn't been shy around me for many years, so it worried me a little bit. "Yeah Mel, what do you want to talk about?" I sat next to her on the couch, reaching for her hands to hold. "Well, there's this person I like a lot but I'm not sure if they like me back. I just don't know what to do about it." Melanie looked up at me saying the last part. She glanced at my eyes then looked down at or hands intertwined with each other.

  "Well..." I begin, "You just have to tell that person you like them in the best way you can." I see Melanie look up at me, then started to lean in to kiss me. I didn't move, thinking it was going to be one of Melanie's jokes. Thinking the person she liked couldn't be me. But once her lips collided with mine I knew that this was always meant to be. Melanie and I, forever destined to be together.

  As she started to pull away I leaned in, wanting the kiss to last longer. Honestly, I wanted it to last forever. I put my hand on Melanie's hip pulling her closer to me, basically sitting her on my lap. She moved her hands to my hair as I licked her bottom lip. She opened her mouth to deepen the kiss, letting our tongues collide with each other. We stayed in the position for a few more minutes before having to separate for air. "You like me?"

  "Yeah, I've liked you for so long. I always thought my feelings were there because you were my best friend but that wasn't why. I love you (Y/N)." I looked into Melanie's eyes to see that she was staring back at me. "I love you too Mel."

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