Oh the disdain when tomorrow never came

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Richie paces like a caged animal in the finished basement of his luxurious vacation home. This was not how he envisioned this trip going, he was planning on bringing the man that now lay dead on the floor into the highest ranks of his organization, only to find out last minute that the man was a liar and a traitor. There is no atoning for some sins and Richie enjoyed playing the role of judge and executioner more than he loved money and power.

"This'll teach 'em to keep their fucking noses out of my fucking business. I want this piece of shit dumped where his fucking FBI buddies will find him," Richie ordered as he wiped the blood off his hands while walking away, "and I want this fucking place spotless! I don't care what it takes or what it costs! Not one trace of that fucking traitor left in this house!" He called over his shoulder.

It was a couple of weeks later when the badly decomposed body of the undercover agent was discovered in the safe house that was used for meetings with his handlers. Agent Tony Stark walked through the house and weaved his way past crime scene techs and other agents, he crouched beside the remains, covering his mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

"Who found the body?" He asked his partner, Agent James Rhodes, as he looked down at what used to be one of his friends.

"Some neighborhood kids, claims they were just looking for a hideout or something."

Both men exchanged looks, each knowing that it was more than likely a set up. A message left for them where the sender wanted to ensure it was received.

"Do we know cause of death yet?"

"No, they don't wanna say anything for certain without an autopsy but I highly doubt it was natural causes."

"Are we certain this is Banner?" Tony asks Rhodes.

"Well, it's not confirmed. I'm sure they'll try to run his prints or check dental records to be sure, but I mean there's this," Agent Rhodes uses a pen to open the FBI badge and credentials cruelly nailed to the victims forehead that belonged to Agent Banner.

"Fuck. Did he give any indication his cover was blown on his last check in?"

"Not that he mentioned. It was the usual check in, he had a few tidbits about possible weapon shipments, but nothing else. You know Bruce, the man was the definition of cautious, if he had any inkling they found him out he'd get out of there."

Tony shook his head, a six month undercover investigation with really nothing to show for it except a murdered FBI agent and missing informants. He took off his latex gloves and rubbed his eyes, he could feel a migraine starting to build, he knew the briefing with Director Fury and Assistant Director Hill was going to be an absolute shitshow.

As he predicted the briefing was bad as he had thought. Tony swears there's nothing scarier than Nick Fury pissed off and it wasn't much better having Maria Hill staring daggers at them. Stark and Rhodes are forced to beg the pair to let them to not only let them stay on and continue the investigation, Bruce deserves justice, but to also send in another agent undercover.

James Rhodes hands the directors several folders with potential candidates for undercover work. Him and Tony watch as the pair flip through their short list of candidates. Tony clears his throat as he begins running through the names.

"Agents Barton and Romanoff have both volunteered for the position, each were close to Bruce." He watched as Maria was about to object.

"I know, what happened to Bruce makes it personal for them, but as you can see they're both extremely qualified for the work."

"Next we have Agent Wilson, a good strong candidate. Has plenty of covert military experience and we know Richie has a habit of using former military vets as muscle, so Wilson is perfect in that respect." Rhodey explained as the directors flipped through Agent Wilson's record.

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