Chapter Four - The Truth

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After spending their afternoon to cooking, they finally finished making the Mandu Ddeok Guk. Jangmi with her magic make wooden chairs and a table. They're planning to eat at the riverside. She called all night glowing creatures to brighten their dinner place in a language that only her and the creatures would understands. That place never fails to amaze Chanyeol.

"I haven't eaten this kind of food before." She said, placing the pot on the table with her magic finger.

"What food you usually eat?" He stared at her curiously.

"Pixie's food, fruits... sometimes the angels send us their homemade bread. It was veeeery tasty. But we are guardian is rarely eat. Keeping an eye to our subject is priority." She took a seat across to Chanyeol and started to scoop a bowl of the soup.

"But, are you guys not hungry then?" He handed the spoon and chopstick to her.

"Not really. We have power to make our self not feeling too hungry. Or, we could eat pixie waffle. Hunger is bearable for us." She received the food utensils from him.

"Hmm... you have to try this, then. Food that made from manual cook can also delicious as the one you gave me with magic." He smiled, ushered her to try the soup.

Jangmi spooned the soup and popped into her mouth. She savored the taste and nodded slowly. "Hmm... this is good! I don't know you can cook this deliciously!" She squealed excited.

"Yah, you always watch me from time to time and still didn't know I have this ability? It makes me sad," He pouts playfully. But she didn't pay any attention to him and just focused to eat the soup. His pout pulled up to a smile. He's happy enough to see her like this. She finished her bowl before Chanyeol and smile widely at him, show her grateful for him made her the dinner.

"Jangmi, may I ask you something?" He asked with hesitation.

"Anything," She nodded.

"What was the creature that had attacked me when I was lost?"

She sighed before answering, "It was Ammit, the soul-eater spirits. She is the mortal enemy of the guardians. She can appear anytime anywhere, she can also trap human into heretical world. She was obsessed looking for a subject that was being heal, because the guardian must have implanted some powers into the soul. In your case, I share my core soul with you so you can protect yourself. Since she couldn't eat guardian souls directly, your soul is powerful to her and she desperately wanted it. She comes from ancient times and had lived thousands years ago. I wish you never meet her again the future."

"I wish that too. She was awfully creepy." He shuddered.

"I saw you in your original form in the dimension. What happened with you in the past?" He caught a glimpse of her sad look.

"I... I was punished, you know..." She inhaled a deep breath then exhaled it.

"Actually this is my second time being punished. Last time when I caused you bleeding in the head by my late action to save you when you were child, I was thrown into the darkest jungle in Gimlé. When it happened, you never realized that your time in the world had stopped because no guardian was watching you. Being late for saving such a pure subject and caused injure was the biggest and unforgivable mistakes. My wings, my inner, my light were taken. I was the same as myself yesterday back then. I look horrible and scary. I tried to use the remnants of my strength to you when you were child, to heal you. But it was useless. I thought I have no hope anymore to be your guardian, but then an angel come down to me after hundred years of miserable times and gave me one last chance to get back to the world to become your guardian, but with one condition, I have to sacrifice myself and fixed my mistakes in the past. That was when you saw me in faded state, saving the boy." Chanyeol nodded now that he fully understood what has happened in the dimension.

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