The Element Keeper Chapter 3: The Awakening

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Chapter 3: The Awakening

Darkness....... that's all I can see. All I can feel. It's like I've been swallowed by the night. Then... a light, glowing brighter, getting bigger and bigger. Shining and then a voice. Not quite a man's voice but but not female either, something in between.

'Wake up!' louder now almost yelling,

'Wake up!' then softer, 'please both worlds need you.'

My eyes flew open. Oh my god. Where was I? All around me was sky. I looked down, treetops. How can this be? I was flying.

You might think that is when I screamed, you'd be wrong. Then I realized nothing was holding me. No ropes, harnesses, nothing. I was, as we call it in the normal world, flying. You might think, "Cool", but all I thought was the scream that filled my body and traveled this world. Then I fell. I tumbled towards the ground branches whipping at my face, the wind whirring in my ears. I instinctively put my arms in front of my face, my feeble defense for this fatal impact. I felt a thud. I opened my eyes and wriggled my legs. Nothing was in pain....yet. My arms were totally fine. Maybe I broke my spine and the pain hadn't registered yet. I sat up s-l-o-w-l-y. Nothing, not even a bruise. Weird. Cool. Unbelievable (but DEFINATLY in a good way) I'm alive. That fall should have killed me (don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but just curious) but here I am, not a hair out of place. Alive. Is this a dream?My outfit didn't take the fall so easily. Dirt was smeared all over my new dress and shoes. Grass stains covered the whole front of my dress. Where am I? I looked around, I was in a small clearing, (and from my earlier bird's eye view experience) in a large forest. My stomach grumbled. Great, I'll starve to daeth in a dream forest. Something growled in the distance. Or I'll just get eaten by a wild animal, my pick. If only I could see where I am, I could find somone nearby to help me get out of here. I looked at a large oak tree suspiciously. Mybe if I climbed up there......

10 minutes later...

Ooph. I fell off the tree for the umpteenth time. I sighed, this was never going to work. It was getting pretty dark so I curlled up near the base of the tree, and sleep overwhelmed me


CRUNCH. I jumped up, my heart beating a mile a minute. Someone or SOMETHING was out there.

I froze. There it was again, the sound of someone or something approaching. There it is, to my left. Closer, faster. My heart was beating wildly, and I felt  my breaths coming out in short rasps. A flash of white, oh great, now I really AM going to die. It came closer, closer, until, he stepped out. I took one look and, for the second time in one day, (I think its record) I fainted.

Sam? Is that you? I walked along a beautiful white road, and saw a familiar face at the end. He turned and looked at me. He wasn't Sam. Eyes light blue, almost white, tanner skin and lighter hair. He smirked at me. Sarah stood beside him. Except, it wasn't her. Her hair now a sandy blond with blue highlights,and eyes of a stunning turquoise blue. Her pink lips were pulled up into a grin. 

'I am Lynn' the beautiful girl said.

'And I am.....' the Sam look-alike started, but Lynn shot him a nasty look. 

'You'll find out about HIM soon enough, but for now its time for you to wake up, Spirit'

When Iwoke up, my first thought was, are you able to dream in dreams? My second thought, as I saw who was before me, was Oh. My. God.

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