Chapter 1

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Living in a world full of hate and betrayal really pissed me off. My life was a never ending cycle of bloodshed. And that's how it will always be.


I woke up to the crow sitting at my window, the cold air flowing through and shuffling my curtains. The black bird picked at its wing fluffing his feathers before mocking another crow about 15 meters away.

Cawww cawwww

I yawned sitting up the sun wasn't even up yet although the clouds covered the sky completely I knew it wasn't even 6 am yet. I stood out of bed and dressed myself in a black turtle neck that was cropped just above my belly button sliding on a pair of black joggers with multiple belts and pockets for my ... ahem accessories I would obtain once told to.

They never left me with weapons although I was deadly enough without them I just preferred not to use my powers and for that I was always punished.

I am part demon part wolf. Yeah. A great mix of anger and evil as most say. I hated my demon side.

Before I was born, a group of rogue wolves came together to overthrow the lycanthrope king, they had a grand idea that they put to the test. They stole my mother and rendered her incapable of speaking thinking or moving by one swift move of electrocution to the brain. They shot her with a dart that had a magnetic field so wide and high of a voltage that the second it made contact with her skin she was never the same. I sometimes wonder what she was like. How she woke up in the morning if she ever had a hobby.

Was she in love...

I broke out of my thoughts when my door was opened from the outside. There was 8 high up guards all surrounding the door there guard was up and so was my annoyance.

Jasper. He was the so called leader of the elite rogues. The one who landed the shot on my mother and produced me through her. He killed her after.

He made it a rule that when I was brought out of my room that I was guarded at all times no one was to come into contact with me and no one was allowed to speak to me besides him. Life was lonely. But that's how it is when you are born to kill and born to be killed.

I walked in between the men taking my place between them all and we all began to walk down the corridor to the main hall and through the big metal doors that led to Jaspers office. They spread apart making a U shape around me with the only way to go was into the room with the man I can only describe as shit.

Opening the doors wasn't hard for me I was strong enough to open them with my hands but with normal wolves it took two to pull it open for a human it would take 10 of the strongest people you know to open one door.

"The assignment is in the box. Hurry up and get the job done your pay will be two hours less training." He spoke in his deep raspy voice not bothering to look at me.

Following his words I took the packet out of the box to the left of the room and left.

While walking out the room he spoke once more "are you old enough to do this on your own?"

For a second I thought he cared only for a second I held my lips together glancing behind me but not making a move at all.

"You're 19 now, I will only be sending Daniel and Reed with you."

I smirked scoffing slightly. I couldn't ever leave if I wanted to they would find me and kill everyone in their path. And kill anyone they could see. They would burn down a whole ass continent to bring me back. He knew this. He knew I didn't like what I did. But he also knew I didn't care.

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