Chapter 2

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"Wake up Ness!"

Everything is black my heart, my organs, even my breath. I couldn't feel anything or even sense it. It's like catching a virus. You don't know until you go to the doctor to find out your sick.

In this case, my eyes opened and all I could see was black. My back was against a cold hard floor sending chills up my spine. I reached for my guns but they weren't there and neither were my pants.

I took a deep breath and sighed feeling a small fabric against my skin. I was in a gown. I must have been stripped of everything I had on, since most of it was used as weapons.

Sitting up I could hardly see the bars that were to my far left I tried crawling over to them a low glow of light flickered down the hall where I couldn't see. That's when I felt and heard the metal chains trickling against the ground. Anger fueled through my veins.

Jasper must have locked me up for not getting the leader of the pack we last saw. Daniel and Reed are probably already beaten up and on the edge of death by now. This hurt.

I wrapped my hands around the chains to break them only to wince in pain at the touch. That was odd. I tried again forcing myself to bare the stinging and burning sensation that zipped up my arms and through my chest and again I couldn't even wrap my fingers around the chain to get a grip before cursing loudly "Fuck!" I then rammed my fist into the wall hearing a loud crack before clenching my jaw.

"Jasper!" I growled out furious that I am locked away.

No reply came so I began doing what any stubborn girl would do. I yelled until someone did come.

"Jasper you mother fucker you better get down here before I really beat the living hell out of you! I swear if you don't come I will go on total rampage! JASPERRR!"

Once I heard foot steps leading towards my jail sell my voice lowered as I smelt an unfamiliar scent. My brows furrowed and I stared out the bars as far as I could see moving myself as close to them as the chains I had around me would let me. They must be weighted with some spell because they are heavy as shit.

"Who is Jasper?" The voice called once he was a few feet away. I couldn't make out the detail of him it was all blurry to me and let me just say it was fucking frustrating at that.

"Well?" He said again after I didn't speak.

I glared that the man. "Since you won't talk now that I am here I'll just leave." He said walking away.

Yeah have fun with that you mutty bitch.
I thought to myself rolling my eyes.

He continued walking down the hall and I heard some keys being raddled and a gate being opened. This caught my attention. What was he doing?

He walked back dragging something along behind him and stopped in front of my sell. My eyes widened as I made out a broad figure with black hair and and beaten face. It was Reed. I suppressed my growl calming myself down.

"Is this Jasper?" He asked me.

Now I knew he didn't know any of us. Or he may be trying to trick me. But how am I supposed to get us out of here alive.

"I can't tell." I spit out.

He laughed shaking his head before walking away with Reeds drained body with him putting him back into what I'm guessing his sell.

I huffed moving myself back and leaning against the wall closing my eyes. This was going to be bad once Jasper finds out we've all been taken and held captive by these mutts. How did this even happen. We were all getting into the car and right before... well I can't hardly remember.

A few hours passed by before a lady came by with a bowl of soup. It smelled delicious. And I was starving.

She didn't say anything she just slid the bowl between the bars and used a stick to push it towards my reach. I smiled at her before taking the bowl in my hands and throwing it in her direction making a loud clang against the bars and soaking her shirt with the soup. I growled before speaking "I can smell the flowers! Don't you ever dare coming near me again. Or you will die."

My eyes flashed black as the veins beneath them started to pop from my skin with a dark purple color. This frightened her and she gasped stepping back before running off.

Stupid bitch trying to feed my rare sleeping flower buds. They can put me to sleep for at least 6 hours on my drained stomach. Do they really think I'm that useless. They must not know who I am. Or  what I am.

Although food sounded good I couldn't risk falling asleep with people I don't know. That won't happen.

Twenty minutes later I was sitting in my same spot with my eyes closed. When three men came to my cage and opened the door. I stayed still as they unlocked my chains from the wall keeping my eyes closed. Do they know I didn't eat the soup? I'm not actually asleep fucktards.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" A loud deep voice bellowed. It was an alphas voice the pups shivered stopping in their tracks. I opened my eyes and looked at the three men. They were all pretty buff guys. Like the ones who stand almost 7 ft tall and are the guards of a pricey nightclub. I chuckled narrowing my eyes at them. They all stepped back not aware that I was awake.

"The maid told me you didn't drink the soup. How did you know there was a poisonous flower in it?" He said crossing his arms over his chest.

I sighed giving in slightly from my drowsiness, "I just could," I said.

"What's your name?" He asked using a gentle tone with me. Is he cocky or something? Shouldn't he be beating my name out of me?

"Unchain her" he demanded. What's he planning?

The three dogs released me from my chains and I stood up to my full height of 5'4. Yeah I felt very small compared to the giant pigs around me. My back was turned to the man behind me.

"What is your name?" He asked again with a more bored tone.

"Fiona" I lied to him, "Fiona Blackwell" I thought of the fastest name I could.

"Why are you lying to me?" He asked in a hurt tone. Wait whattttt how did he read through that. I'm the best liar out of my brothers and I.

I could tell them we did something on a day and explain it in very well detail to the point they agreed it happened when in fact I was just messing with them and it never had happened.

I turned around to face the man who thought he knew me and my chest started to beat harder, my skin felt all tingly and all at once my body relaxed for the first time I have been here. Who was this guy?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2019 ⏰

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