Chapter 1 - Dianna

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Chapter 1: POV- DIANNA


    Why do mornings have to be so stressful? Like seriously, no kid in New York wants to go to school at 6am in the morning. I hurry and get ready and do my morning routine. As I get downstairs I get a text;


- Get yo' boooty out here !

I laugh and my dad looks up from his newpaper ," Honey , Don't you think you should just leave right now? School's about to start." He says. " Okay , Love you . Bye !" I hollar from outside. I make my way into Katy's car.

    "How you doing baby girl?" I say trying to act like a guy. "I'm gurdd." She says in reply. And we surround ourselves with laughter. We jam to Live While Were Young -OneDirection as we make our way to school. We arrived, and we get out of the car. My boyfriend, Todd is standing with his guy friends near Tim's car and he makes his way over to us. He slides his hands to my waist and pecks me on the cheek. "Hey babe, want to ditch today ?" Ugh. When is going to get to him , I don't skip classes. Yes, call me a nerd all you want. I just want my life to go somewhere. " No babe. I don't you know I don't." I say for the billionth time. " Why ? Are you seeing another guy? Is it cause I was in a gang ! " He say, his grip on me getting tighter. " No babe ! It's not that." I say. I walk away annoyed. Why is everyone up in my grill today?


     I go an sit into Mr.Tomato's class. I sit in the front seat. Ehh? So smart right ? Not. Mr.Tomato is always spitting my face. It's nasty. " Kids, quiet down , Today we have a new student . Class, Welcome Kyle Summers." I look to my left and I see this hot guy. Like he's the defenition of beautiful. With his sun-kissed tan, and sapphire eyes. He connect eyes with me and smirk. I snap out of my thoughts and look around and see girls drooling and biting their lips trying to act seductive but really, they come off as a slut. " Okay Kyle can you take a seat next Miss Dianna, Dianna please raise your hand so Mr.Kyle can see you" I raise my hand .Every girl turns their head and sends me a death glare.Kyle strides over to the seat in front of me.He winks at me and sits. Yuck ! Who do he think he is trying to send me a wink ?! I shake my head and trying to concentrate into what Mr.Tomato is saying about who knows what. 

       After school, I make my way over to Kate's locker and wait for her to come out of Home Ec. I see Kyle stuggling to open his locker. His determined eyes trying to magically open his locker.

         I make my way over and tap on his shoulder ," Um, Kyle? Do you need help with opening your locker?" I say acting shy all of a sudden. Stupid Dianna. " Oh. Uh. Yeah . Please ?" He says shoving his hands in his pockets." Of Course ! What's your combo ?" I say reaching for the dialler. " Um.... 9-1-1." He says blushing a little. I dial in his combo and the locker magically opens . Haha. Just kidding. I had to push up the knob and then it popped open. "Thanks. Your .. Dianna right? That cute girl from Mr.Tomato's class?" He says. " Thats me." I say blushing cause he called me cute. I glance over to Kate's locker and see her waiting for me , she's texting her boyfriend. " I got to go Kyle. Your welcome. " I say making my way over to Kate's locker." Yeah. Um , Maybe we should hang out sometime?" He says worriedly I'm going to say no. " Of course ! Um, Here's my number " I say grabbing a piece of paper out of my backpack and copying my number down and I give it to him and walk away.

         As I reach Kate's locker I'm already shaken up. " What's got you in the mood?" Kate says looking up from her phone. "I just gave Kyle Summers my number." I say casually shrugging my shoulders.She droppes her phone," The KYLE SUMMERS ???!!!!" She says putting her hands on my shoulder shaking me. " Yes?..." I say causiously making my way to Kate's car. " Get your butt in here and tell me everything." She demmanded me. I laughing and climb inside. Boy, this will be one long of a ride.


What do you guys think? Please Please PLEASE ! Tell me what you think in the comments. Thanks ! Muahhaaa~


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