Chapter 1

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The sounds of running feet could be heard. A child could be seen in boyish clothes but yet had pigtails in her dark brown hair. She ran as fast as she could. Her bare feet padding on the cold ground as she ran.

She was scared, even though she has been threw this nearly every night. The same place, the same man, the same voice, she didn't like it. Why did she fall asleep?

"Cassia? Why must you always run? We know how this ends." The voice taunted. She made a turn and went to a door. She threw it open and ran in. She ran under a bed, not even taking time to admire how beautiful the room was.

She covered her mouth and tried to stay as quiet as possible. She could try to wake herself up when he leaves the door way. She figured.

But he didn't pass. He knew where she was. He always knew where she was. She was in his world here. He had the powers to do whatever here. She knew that, yet she kept resisting. Much to his twisted pleasure and slight annoyance.

She froze seeing him walk into the room. The same man the voice from earlier belonged to. His long white hair fell past his strong shoulders. He was dressed elegantly yet like a warrior. But his weapons was missing.

But she knew he didn't need weapons. Oh no. Not him. He was even more dangerous without them.

He chuckled. "The little princess forgot I love games since she seems to want to play one now." He taunted, walking around the room. He knew exactly where she was hiding and was just making her suffer. 

He finally made it to the bed. "Come on little one. Under the bed? Its original." He taunted. She shook more as he got to his knees and leaned down. His brown eyes sparkling with evil mischief. "Found you." He said


"Cassia!" A voice shouted, making the child jolt awake with a gasp, feeling herself being shaken. She panted looking around, she looked up at her teacher. "Cassia, this is the fouth time in two weeks you have fallen asleep in class. I am going to have to call your parents." Her teacher said. 

"No! I'm sorry! I promise I wont fall asleep again!" She begged. The other kids around her giggling at her. They liked that she was in trouble. The freak.

"I'm sorry sweety." The teacher said, walking away. Lily groaned and laid her head on the desk, her tiny body shaking as she cried quietly. She didn't want to worry her parents. They had enough to worry about.


Lily sat swinging her legs as she, was in front of the principals office. Her parents was sitting in the office with the school councilor. She wiped her eyes of her tears. She looked up at the councilor came out. She smiled at the young nine year old. 

"Hey Cassia. I want to talk to you about something. Can I sit with you?" She asked. Cassia nodded. So the woman sat. "So your teacher said you keep falling asleep in class. Is everything alright at home?" She asked. 

"Miss. Bentley, nothing is wrong at home. My parents don't fight. I'm not abused. I have three full meals at home." She mumbled. "I just have trouble staying asleep." 

Lilly told the councilor. The councilor nodded. The child looked up at the woman. "Can I go home?" She asked the woman. The woman nodded and Lilly hopped off the chair, and grabbed her bookbag. She gave a small smile to the woman who was just trying to do her job.

"I really am fine. I promise, if I have any problems I'll tell you." She promised. Miss. Bentley nodded giving the child a smile.


"Lilly, why aren't you sleeping?" The doctor asked. Lily's green eyes looked at the woman, before looking back down, playing with her hair, which was once again in pigtails. "Are you're parents having trouble at home?" The doctor asked. The question made the girl look up and smile amused.

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