Good Morning! I hate curtains

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I died. Literally, for the first time in years there was darkness in my room not only the weight of my soul (yes I copied this from a sharkspear book) the curtains I got on my 9th birthday was gone. See. I . am. too. dependant .on. objects. For 10 years my "Keep calm and love pugs" curtains woke me up to the beautiful sunshine but apparently the gods of the luck hate me. They don't only hate me. They don't even know I exist. Today was a rainy day. Rainy days suck. I probably sound like a brat right now, you are going to read this and say "Hey Eliza I also hate my life! can I make a whole story about it? Sounds cool!" but no. The only drama I get in my life is keeping up with the Caucasians, sorry Kardashians*  no. Just no. 

Mom hadn't come. Why wasn't she? oh new neighbors, ha. People think I'm shy but I'm really not shy, like chill you've only met me for two years. I woke up aaaand decided they weren't worth the time to say hello or to even look so I went back to bed and it ended up backfiring because the radio that my mom uses to talk to me made a huge boom. and I died. End of story.

Some may think dying of a radio explosion is lame some may think that it's cool but it wouldn't really matter I'm dying anyway. "AHOY CAPTAINNNN come and welcome our new neighbors ELIZA make sure to wear proper clothing, NO BOOBY SHOWING OUT" I.hate.this.woman. No bOoBys ShOwiNG oUt as if I ever had.  I hate this radio. I've come to the conclusion that we are POOR, and my mom is hiding it from me. Like seriously woman I'm 15 but I can't even have a flip phone that you can buy at the dollar store these days. Why would she bother? If I think about it we are really poor, yes we may have a big house but she can't get me a computer or a phone. no.

What should I wear? Teenagers often go to their closet thinking how will these look on me? Did I wear this yesterday? But I just go to my closet thinking that I wouldn't be surprised if a gang of grandmas was trying to rob My closet hasn't been updated, in fact, it shouldn't be called a closet it should be called a TIME MACHINE. What do we have here.. Black leggings, an oversized sweater, flannel shirts, Birckenstoks, denim everything, and silk shirt. Now I got it. Iwillgonaked.

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