The Deserted Classroom

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"Alright, Alright, settle down class." Snape's voice echoed around the dungeon. "Wands away. Turn to page 249 in Potions: a History,"  Snape continued, "partner up with the person to your left."

       "Colin, Harry. Hermione, Lavender. Pansy, Neville. Ginny, Draco. Dean, Cho."

         Oh. Great. The Malfoy prat. Ginny thought. Of all people, i get Malfoy.


        Ginny, the peasant  can't even afford new robes or books. Of all people to work with, i get Ginny. Why do i feel lucky?... Draco thought as he was gathering the ingredients to make the potion of the day.

          "Lizard heart, tiger claw, griffin hair, 7 dragon scales, and poison berries. Gather these and stir 8 times clockwise, 2 times counterclockwise, and so on. Repeat this 13 times and wait for me to come around. If directions are failed, you get detention." Snape hissed the last sentence.

       Ginny was adding the ingredients to the cauldron while Draco stood staring at her excellent curves, her flawless hair, but discarded the thoughts immediately. I can't like  a Griffindor, let alone a blood-traiting  Weasley.

       Draco caught himself looking at her pale face as she was looking back at him with her arms crossed. "I am most certainly not doing all the work, Malfoy. You my stir or i tell Snape you are ignoring the lesson." Normally Draco would smirk and let her do the work instead. But he decided to do the work. It felt like a compulsion to help the flawless, fiery figure. She smiled a bit when he walked towards the cauldron. She felt something in her stomach, then it rose to heart, next thing you know she was smiling ear to ear.

     Draco turned around to see Ginny smiling and said "What? Am i doing something wrong?" Then he began to smile. "Oh Malfoy, its 8 times clockwise and 2 times counterclockwise. Like this." She closed her warm hand around his on the wooden spoon on the cauldron. "1,2,3,4....."  "1,2"  she counted under her breath. "Thanks Weasel."

"Your welcome ferret."

"Since when am i a ferret?"

" Since the fake Mad-Eye spun you in the air as a ferret." she said smiling.

      She was laughing when Harry walked up beside her. "What's so funny Gin?"

"Oh, Harry. Im sorry i didn't see you here. Nothing's funny, just remembering when Malfoy was a ferret."

"Okay well I'll see you later Gin."

"Bye Harry."


                  after potions class
       "Ginny! Ginny! Wait!" draco yelled through the halls of Hogwarts. Ginny stopped dead in her tracks and started running back. What could Malfoy want? "Ginny, you forgot your wand." Draco said when Ginny met him in the hall. "Oh, thanks Draco." He looked in her soft chocolate eyes. She looked in him hard gray eyes. "Ginny I-"  "Shhh, do you hear that?"  "Hear wha-" "Shh!!" She grabbed is arm and ran into the deserted classroom a few yards away. She locked it behind them. "Ginny," Draco whispered, "what's doing on?"

"It- I- well-"

"Its okay Ginny tell me."

"I will never trust a Malfoy."

"Ginny, you can trust me."

The way his eyes went from hard gray to soft silver, she somehow trusted him.

"I heard Dumbledore and Professor Sna-"

"But sir, i could never!" snape said. "Severus! You must!" Dumbledore replied. "Albus, why must i do this."

"Severus, you know the answer to that. Now hurry along to the Slytherin house. Your pupils are waiting for you.

      "What could they be talking about?" Ginny thought aloud. "No idea, but we better get out of here before they come looking for us."

"Oh.. Um.. I was in such a rush not to get caught.. I- I-.. I put a lock on the door that lasts 12 hours... Im sorry..."

"Ginny!! Why would you do that!!"

"I- Im sorry.. Now were stuck for 12 more hours in this fucking classroom!"

     "Gosh, I need to drink." Draco pulled fire whiskey out of his bag and popped the lid. "Draco please don't." She walked over to where he was sitting on the floor and grabbed the bottle from him. Draco smiled when he saw the little of her breasts showing above her robes.

      "Its 11:00, we better get to sleep." They had been in the classroom 5 hours, talking and practicing spells. She took her robes off until she was just in lingerie and a thin see-through white shirt. He was completely nude except for boxers. They covered up using robes at pillows and blankets. Draco walked over to Ginny and sat down then whispered goodnight. Just as he was going back to his "bed," Ginny grabbed his arm and said "Sleeping closer with produce more body heat, just a thought." She smiled as he brought over his robes and lied them down against hers. There lips met when he lied down. "Oh Draco..." she started, "you always get what you want, don't you?" Draco laughed a little, "No, i always get who i want." Ginny replied, "Well, Draco, am i who you want?"     "Lets find out..." And that's when it happened, The forbidden love of a Malfoy and Weasley.

Draco gently removed Ginny's shirt.

She returned the favor.

Draco grabbed Ginny's pale, soft chin.

She rubbed her fingers through his hair.

The two virgins kissed for what felt like eternity.

His fingers crept down her back.

Her bra came unhooked and she hanked it off.

She began massaging what lay beneath his boxers.

He sucked her

He groaned.

She gasped for air.


Draco rubbed his eyes as he woke up naked on a cold stone floor.

He looked around and found cold naked Ginny a few feet away.
What did i do? Oh my gosh. What did i fucking do?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2014 ⏰

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