Chapter 2 Basketball. Pt1

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We have PE class today.I do not like this class but I'm excited for it


You will be there.

I'm not good at sports..

unlike you..

you're so good in it.

You were playing basketball with your friends.You were in a team with Jungkook and Taehyung.

I sat at a bench near the court that you guys were playing. I am watching you playing.

You so focus in the game to the point that you don't notice the sweat that has been dripping to the side of your face.

My heart always skip a beat when you're the one that scoring the ball.Your team has a great teamwork.

I wish I can give you water because you look thirsty.


I look down and I feel a ball hit my head.I look down and touch my head.

I groan in pain because it hurt so much.

"Omg Y/N! are you okay? I'm so sorry did it hurt badly?" a sweet voice ask me and touch my head where the pain is.

I look up and see it's


Park Jimin.

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