oh so he likes what i do

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hey im sorry didn't post this story on Tuesday

you're pov

    I and colby stopped holding hands he  so we should hide somewhere else because  there a killer here and i don't wanna die today jake says to us oh yeah ii forgot about that i said yeah i can tell y/n uuughhh shut up jake your my older bro you should stop arguing mostly because the killer can  probably hear us stupid i say guys stop sam says hey i have a hiding place that we all can go i go there all the time and i never get caught up there colby says ok show us it please i say and hurry jake says jake top having your mouth and shut up he is at least helping us so at least shout the fuck up i say ok fine jake says we all go outside sam looks around to see if there is anyone nope were good as sam whispers so only us hear him ok colby says follow me ok i go up to colby hey im sorry jake being a dick to you baby it's fine you know i would give you a kiss but you know jakes here colby says yeah i know and i would to but the same reason i say we d a couple turns but then we were here ok were here colby says umm colby ints only a wall katrina says no it's not colby says as he pulls down a latter that made a lot of noise shut up colby be more quiet sam says sorry guys as he pulls it all th way down we all clim up the latter kat climed up then sam then jake when jake came up hey guys you comming he asked yeah one secound i say we need totalk i say oh umm ok dont you dare tough her clby he walks away colby smirks ok bro so wht~i kiss him he pics me up but stoped kissing me baby lets do thishome ok he kisses me and puts me down ok baby i walk up the stairs and had a fellng that colby was looking at my ass so i turned around to see him licking his lips and having a boner ha baby jake won't lke to see that  see what colby ask the indent inyour pants i giggiled ohh fuck he says im sorry its ok at least i know im doning somthing right 

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