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***all credit on this prophecy goes to the author: Michelle Zink***
Through fire and harmony mankind endured
Until the sending of the Guards
Who took as wives and lovers the woman of man,
Engendering His wrath.
Two sisters, formed in the same swaying ocean,
One the Guardian, One the Gate.
One keeper of peace.
The other bartering sorcery for devotion.
Cast from the heavens, the Souls were Lost
As the Sisters continue the battle
Until the Gates summon forth their return,
Or the Angel brings the Keys to the Abyss.
The Army, marching forth through the Gates.
Samael, the Beast, through the Angel.
The Angel, guarded only by the gossamer veil of protection.
Four Marks, Four Keys, Circle of Fire
Birthed in the first breath of Samhain
In the shadow of the Mystic Stone Serpent of Aubur.
Let the Angel's Gate swing without the Keys
Followed by the Seven Plagues and No Return.
Open your arms, Mistress of Chaos, that the havoc of the Beast will flow like a river
For all is lost when the Seven Plagues begin.
Yet from chaos and madness One will rise,
To lead the Ancient and release the Stone,
Shrouded in the sanctity of the Sisterhood,
Held safe from the Beast, and
Setting free those bound by Prophecy's
Past and impending doom.
Sacred Stone, released from the temple,
Sliabh na Cailli',
Portal to the Otherworlds.
Sisters of Chaos
Return to the belly of the Serpent
At the close of Nos Galon-Mai.
There, in the Circle of Fire
Lit by stone, bring together
Four keys, marked by the Dragon
Angel of Chaos, mark and medallion
The Beast, banished only though
Sisterhood at Guardian's door
With the rite of the Fallen.
Open your arms, Mistress of Chaos
To user in the havoc of the ages
Or close them and
Deny His thirst for eternity.

Prophecy's from Prophecy Of The Sisters by Michelle ZinkWhere stories live. Discover now