Little does know
These keys that she is trying to find
Are not actual keys but people
On this earth that have somehow found me
We all play a role in this prophecy
Though I wish it didn't have to be me
To bring the keys to the abyss
To permanently close the Gate
To make sure the Beast can't escape
We need no Death Famine or Blood
We need no Fire Darkness or Drought
We need no Ruin, need not the Seven Plagues
I don't care what they call me
I'm the Angel and the Gate
I have the serpent scar on my wrist
But I am not one of him
Samael will never make me
Open up the gate
I will not let him and the Souls pass
I will fight to the end
For I am not the Mistress of Chaos
No I will not let him win
I play my twin sisters part
She is the Guardian
I am the Gate
These roles are not our own
They were meant to go the other way
For I am good
And she is evil
The role of the Gate passes down to the 1st born
They had to cut my mom open to get us out
My sister was the most ready
But it was me they 1st took out
I've seen the evil she can do
The horrid memories flash through
Surely she was meant to take my part
We've decided to take up what we feel we must do
She feels she must help Samael cross the gate
While I feel I must destroy him once and for all
If I permanently close the gate
He will be forever gone
But if Alice finds a way to open it
Samael and the Souls will pass
There will be the Seven plagues
For who opens the gate with the keys that does not bear the serpent mark
Will unknowingly end the world
The Seven plagues will start
The Apocalypse will reign
Open the gate and bear the mark
Samael will forever rule the earth
He will do as he pleases
It may not be the end of the world
But it will be the end of all but darkness and his wishes
Prophecy's from Prophecy Of The Sisters by Michelle Zink
PoetryWho doesn't love a good prophecy?... Okay, I can name a few. But still. ((THIS FIRST PROPHECY IS NOT MINE. I own NONE of it. This prophecy is entirely Michelle Zink's. ALL credit of this first one goes to her. The second prophecy, I made. Not much o...