Eat Your Dinner

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The carpet was nice

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The carpet was nice.

Almost a little too nice, though, you thought as you eye the delicate fabric on the floor. It was a beautiful velvet red faux fur rug that laid underneath the glass dinner table, which gave a nice contrast against the dark hardwood flooring.

Erik was so extra for that. You never thought you could meet a man who would be too bougie for even your taste, but here he was. Acting high siddity.

You snort at your own mental commentary, rolling your eyes at Erik's home decor. It catches the attention of the man in question, whose eyes glance away from the iPad he was holding to regard you.

"Something funny?"

Your face immediately drops from the small smirk it was holding, and you shake your head from side to side.

"Good, thats what I thought. Now sit there and be quiet like the good girl you're supposed to be." He brings the iPad back in front of his face, swiping the stylus across the screen as he starts typing again.

You whimper a little, lips quivering and poking out more than they already were. This was the first time in the last 20 minutes he'd acknowledged your presence, but he was still being so cold and mean.

You didn't want to lose his attention now that you'd gotten it back, so you desperately scoot forward a little closer, trying to make eye contact again.

You even add a little shine to your eyes, looking up at him as innocently as you could.

Eyes flicking from the screen, he narrows them at you testingly, and you can feel your metaphorical tail tuck between your legs as you shrink back, gulping and looking back down at the carpet.

Erik shifts himself in his seat, biting his lip with a muffled groan. You didn't know it, but you had the cutest little pout of disappointment and frustration on your face that made him want to fuck the shit out of it.

He loved telling you no just so he could see that adorable look on your face, right before caving in and giving you whatever you wanted. His Precious Pouty Princess.

"Look at me babygirl."

You eyes quickly spring back up to him, wide and hopeful.

"You want my attention?"

"Mmm-hm!" You hum, nodding your head eagerly. Erik bites his lip, your wanton desperation making him hard.

"Alright, tell you what babygirl. You eat all your dinner like a good girl, and Daddy will let you have dessert. How does that sound?"

You nod your head again, wiggling around excitedly.

Pushing himself away from the table, he leans back in his chair, arching a brow at you with a grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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