scary movie!

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3rd person pov

taehyung and jungkook were currently cuddled up on the sofa. jungkook already fell asleep but taehyung is still focused on the movie they were watching.

they were watching a scary movie,taehyung actually hates them but he likes watching them with jungkook.

the girl in the movie ran away from the killer and then there was a jumpscare.taehyung screamed in fear.

jungkook woke up and hugged him and asked him whats wrong. he told him that he got scared by the movie.

„i am here so don't be scared!!"jungkook said and gave taehyung a peck on his lips.

they both layed down and cuddled. jungkook played with taehyungs hair until he fell asleep and after a few minutes jungkook also fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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