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I've just finished getting all my stuff together in the hospital room to leave this afternoon when Sam FaceTimes me.
"Hey, baby Ray. How are you doing?" Sam asks when I pick up.
"Good. I just got all my stuff together and I get to leave this afternoon, so I'm pretty happy. How are you?" I settle down into the window seat.
"I'm pretty good. Our Miami show just got over, so we are going to go get some food and then pack for tomorrow." He yawns and covers his mouth. "I'm tired."
"I could tell," I reply with a laugh.
"Is that Ray?" someone calls in the background. Sam nods, and I can hear them running over.
"Hey, Ray."
"Hey, Josh," I say with a smile. I can hear a few laughs in the background.
"I think everyone decided on Chipotle," Noen calls to Sam. Sam nods, and Josh walks off.
"So, did you get to meet a lot of fans?" I ask. He doesn't respond, but I can tell he is staring at the screen. "Sam?"
"Hmm? Oh, sorry. I should go. Bye." Sam hangs up quickly, leaving me confused. I just shrug and push all my stuff near the door.

"Good to see you, Ray," a nurse says as she walks in. I smile at her. "So, you have everything packed up and all your medication?"
"Yes." I nod quickly.
"Good, good. The couple that wants to adopt you is waiting downstairs. I think you should meet them before you leave the hospital, as you seem to have no other options." The nurse nods encouragingly.
I sigh. My dad got taken to prison for child abuse, and I have no other family. I don't have enough money or a plan yet to move in by myself somewhere not around here. So, I'm getting adopted.
"Are you having them sent up?" I ask quietly.
"If you'd like us to. I think you'll like them." She smiles. "How about we get them up here?"
"Okay. I'll get them sent." The nurse walks back out of the room. A few minutes later, she reappears with a middle-aged couple.
"Ray, this is Mr. and Mrs.Vanner." The nurse gestures to the couple.
"It's nice to meet you." I smile and nod at them.
"Well, this is Ralynn. She's 16, as you know." The nurse smiles again.
   "I'm Craig, and this is Karen," the man says.
   "Uhm...nice names." I nod, scratching at my head. I'm really not great at meeting new people.
   "Well, it's great you are interested in adopting. A great idea, I think." The nurse smiles and leads them back out of the room. Awhile later, she reappears.
   "So, what were they saying?" I ask as she sits down in a chair.
   "They don't have any kids of their own, so they would love to adopt. They thought you were very nice, and Craig is adamant about adopting you now and taking you home from the hospital with them." She smiles. "It's a very good thing."
   "Why was he so adamant about it?"
   "He said you just seemed very nice, and that they wanted to adopt you as soon as possible." She pats my shoulder. "I'm happy that you'll have a new family, Ray."
   "My friends are my family," I tell her. "They might be adopting me, but my friends will always be the ones that are there for me."

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