Chap 1

54 2 1

Essence's POV

Briiiiiinnnngggg! I smiled and jumped out of my seat and ran with the crowd into the hallway, finally lunch I was so hungry. I ran to my locker and quickly put my stuff away, "Essence!" I turned around to see Bryke. "Oh babe, hey." He kissed my lips and I cringed a little, and quickly wiped it away. "Hey baby, I've missed you all day." I nodded and looked at him frowning, "Hey Bryke, we really need to talk." "What is it?" "Listen, I really like you and all." Lies, you're just good in bed. "And you're like, perfect." Lies. "But, I don't think this is going to work out, but it's me not you I promise." Same line as always. He frowned and I just kissed his cheek and ran off to the lunchroom. "Essie babe!" "Katie!" I ran up to my best friend and we got in the line, "Did you break up with Bray?" I laughed, "No Katie, I broke up with Bryke though." "Wha- Oh! Haha silly me." "You're very special." "I know right." We laughed and picked up trays, "Ugh, school burgers." "Well they have lasanga." "You mean slop with meat?" I sighed and picked up the greasy burger, "You need fruit miss." I rolled my eyes and picked up a cup of sliced pineapples,gatorade,and a fork. "At least you'll have fruit, it's healthy!" "Shut up Katie." I groaned and set my plate down and picked at my fruit, and took a sip of gaterade. "Well I'm gonna be starving for the rest of the day." "Well eat and you won't be duh." "Ugh Katie!" I went to the trash and dumped my food and put my drink in my backpack, I walked to my locker and opended it, I grabbed my magazine and slammed my locker closed, I stomped to the library and sat on a beanie, pushing the random backpack that was placed on it off. "Erm, excuse me that's my spot." I flipped through my magazie without looking up and scoffed, "Doesn't have your name on it does it?" "Didn't your mum teach you manners?" "Mum? What are you, au- Whoa." My eyes met a pair of hypnotizing blue eyes. "I'm Australian," I scanned the boy's body biting my lip. He scratched the back of his neck and just coughed, "C-can you just please give me my spot back." I smirked, "Yeah sure, let me just get my stuff." I bent over and got my magazine, brushing my butt against him. I heard him groan and I laughed quietly and got up, "I'm Essence by the way," "I'm Luke." "Luke, hm I like it. I'll see you around, Luke." I winked and started walking away, swaying my hips, feeling his eyes scanning me. I want him, and I get what I want.

Luke's POV

I stood there shocked, my eyes just staring at her body, I had to admit she was extremely fit, and got her body was perfect. My mouth went dry and she walked out the door, and I don't know what happended but my feet ran after her, before I knew it I tapped on her shoulder. "Missed me already?" She smirked at me and I gulped, "I, I uhm well." "You uhm well?" Crap, why did I do this I'm an idiot. "I heard you're really good at science and I need a tutor." "Oh." I looked at her, kind of puzzled, why did she sound dissapointed? "Oh?" "Well, I guess I am, how about you give me your number and we can plan a day to study." "Sounds great, thanks." "Anytime." The bell rang and she smiled, "Well I better get going, my art teacher is super strict so if I'm late then detention for me." She waved goodbye and rushed off to class. And I was left there, staring at her again. I really need to stop doing that, I cursed under my breath and I began to hurry to my class, I finally made it to Math. I walked in and took a seat, "Hello class." Said Mr Clark as he walked into the class as the late bell rang. "Hello Mr Clark." "So today we have a new student joining us." Oh god no. "Luke Hemmings, would you like to come up and introduce yourself?" "U-uh." "Come on now." I sighed and walked to the front. "Uh, Hi I'm Luke Hemmings, and I moved here from Australia, I play guitar and uhm sing and that's erm all." I got back into my seat as quick as possible, not wanting to feel people watching me any longer. I felt someone tap on my shoulder, I turned around and jumped at the site, a blonde girl wearing a bunch of makeup. "You know, you're really hot." And you look like a clown. "Thanks?" She giggled, smacking her gum in her mouth loudly. I turned around and sunk in my seat, that was interesting. I looked at the board, quickly copying what was on it, I felt something hit my neck, I heard it hit the ground and I picked it up and uncrumpled the balled up paper. "Call me, 234-432-5324 xx Lexa" I shook my head and threw it back on the floor, I heard a gasp and I smiled a little. I looked at the door, and for some reason my mind found its way thinking about Essence, she was so beautiful,perfect, and god I bet she had a boyfriend who was better then me. I smiled, thinking of us together but frowned knowing that would never happen. "It's too early anyways" I said under my breath sighing, too early.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2014 ⏰

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