part 13

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Behir went to mahir room

Behir chit chat with some time 

bela mobile ring

its vyom

vyom:hi are you 

Bela:i'm good how r u 

Vyom:I'm good sorry bela

Bela:sorry for what

Vyom:actually i have an emergency that time i didnt take you on date 

bela:its ok

vyom:bela we will go for date tmrw

tmrw pakka

bela:bt vyom

Vyom:pls bela

mahir listens all the conversation

bela didnt say yes or no

mahir: mahir take bela's phone and cut the call

bela:why you cut the call 

mahir:dont talk to that bastered dare he again he will plan to take you for date

Bela:mahir whats your problem  why you are getting angry if he is taking for me date 

Mahir:yeah i'm getting angry because of 

Bela:ha tell me mahir

Mahir:because of i love you dam it....i cant see my love is going to another man for a date

got it bela

bela:bela shocked 

Mahir:ha Bela first time I saw you  in  cafeteria  .bela you   looked like an angel for a second.that time i felt like  I just wanted to kiss  you bela  and take you to my home . I don't know why thought. But something inside me possessed me to do it.

 at  that minutei feel like  I want you bela .i feel like  I want you  by my side always. Even now also  I don't understand why I still feel it.

I would have stopped myself. Then when you came to my office after an hour for interview, which I was not expecting you are coming to my office.  I knew you  got the job. How can I not give you  the job? I immediately gave you  the job not thinking once after I asked you some questions because of Having you  daily in my office, nd beside me ....

bela you are  driving me like crazy crazy.

The way you  bite your  lip nd every small thing about you , makes me want to kiss you. 

The day when that bastard Vyom   giggle and laugh with you, I was burning inside with utter jealousy! I want to kill that bastard! How dare he ask her on a date?! I called him that day and warned him to stay away from my Bela . I don't know what made me do it, but I just did it. I wanted to take on that date that day. the way you looked that day, I can't forget. 

Bela you look beautiful, sexy and everything I wanted. That blue  dress suited you so well. When your  hair fell down loosely, you are just... Breathtaking. 

I thought that the date was going good and everything between us was good. Never did I realize that I was hurting you so much. When you called yourself those stupid names, I wanted to kiss you  hard and tell you  that I am sorry for making you  feel that way. 

That night I controlled a lot to not touch her as I dropped her home. I just hated myself that night for making you  feel that way about yourself. That night I understood  I'm in madly love with you Bela 

Behir ff : His PAWhere stories live. Discover now