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"Was that the moment you and rakeem agreed to go after Don malvoni?"

"There was never an agreement on anything, at the time all we knew was that he was the last person who knew if his brother was either alive or dead and we would go through hell to find out."

"So what direction did y'all take to figure this out?"

"We knew the only way to get even a foot close to don was becoming one of his men so we did what we had to do to get what we needed so we began by speaking to blue best way to get in is by someone we knew who has been in the game already."

August 18, 2009

Spice and Rakeem found themselves sitting in the back of blues all black charger as he talked quietly on his phone to someone on the other line. They had been showing up almost everyday to the same street corner asking all the dealers about his brother and where he might be.

Even though Khalil was seen as a family man his name still ran heavy in the streets being the right hand man to the hottest dealer in Atlanta came with pros and cons. One of the cons being that the streets never talk, it didn't surprise the teens that no one was willing to give out any information on that night. But, that didn't mean it didn't infuriate the boy.

a monotone goodbye had Rakeem sitting straighter in his seat, blue slowly turned around to the teens as they watched him intently " So what y'all trying to tell me is, u want me to let y'all start selling on the corner with the other dope boys?" both teens nodded there heads.

" Hell no!" blue shook his head in disbelief, don't get him wrong he understood the situation rakeem was going through and was honestly worried for Khalil and would do anything to get him back but one thing he could not do is let his lil brother start selling.

Not only would he be going against his on morals but he'd be breaking the one promise he ever truly planned to keep and that was with Khalil, which was to never lead his lil brother down the wrong path, and thats what he planned to do.

"Come on now blue, u don't understand my little sister has been crying herself to sleep worried about Khalil, now u telling me u can't do this one little favor that may help bring him home!" rakeem was mad spice watched in silence as the boy balled up his fist and bounced his leg furiously up and down his breathing was erratic and his eyebrows drawn in together in anger.

" Maybe you should calm down and hear him out." spice was trying to reason with the boy before he did something he would regret like actually trying to swing on blue, and although blue saw rakeem as his own blood he also had a horrible temper and was never one to back down from a fight.

blue watch as Rakeem tried to slow down his breathing closing his eyes to concentrate blue rubbed down his face and let out a heavy sigh. " Its not like I ain't trying to help, its just that what y'all asking me to do would have your brother ready to take my head off and we all know how crazy that nigga could get." both Rakeem and blue stares at one another quietly before nodding there head in agreement spice on the other hand was left in the dark but dropped the issue seeing as now wasn't the best time to start asking questions.

" Man you know I would never come to you with a request like this if It wasn't nothing serious so please help me out this one time I'm begging u." silence took over the whole car as everyone was in deep thought. no more than 30 mins had past before blue let out another heavy sigh before bringing Rakeem into a brotherly hug.

" Don't ever beg me for shit, because u know I always got you no matter what ight , ima take care of y'all don't even worry about it I got it." at this Rakeem grabbed onto blues jacket holding him tight before pushing himself away " But y'all know what y'all getting into correct, y'all gone see some shit and get into some shit y'all ain't never been involved in before"

" And ima be honest I ain't always gone be there to protect y'all, so before I go further are u sure u ready for this shit cus once u in ain't no getting out you in the shit for life." Spice and Rakeem looked at each other for a while before turning back to blue with swift nods and a quiet yes.

" Aight look don gone be having throwing together a little trail for new recruits." at the mention of dons name Rakeem seem to focus more attentively "Calm down he ain't gone actually be there in person, but someone who close to him will" Rakeem rolled his eyes of course it wasn't gone be that easy.

" Now the best way to even be acknowledged is to show up so ima take y'all down there around 12:50 am its in the tunnels on the east side of the city be ready and wear dark clothes and comfortable shoes cus y'all aint gone be looking pretty when u leave there."


Spice had been following behind blue for almost 15 mins as he navigated them through the tunnels, nobody has said a word since they had pulled up minutes prior rakeem had been a little anxious not knowing what could be in store for them at the end of the tunnel to say he was ready was an understatement but he had made up his mind. If this was what he had to do to get his brother home safely then he would do it no questions asks because that is his blood and he knows Khalil would do the same for him in a heart beat.

the sound of medal being scraped on the concrete made both teens freeze up, blue had moved a solid metal gate to the side so that they could walk towards the grassy clearing on the outside of the tunnel.

they were quickly met with other males and few females on the other side all waiting around either on there phones or looking around the open space. Blue nodded his head to few people in acknowledgment as they walk towards the center of the crowd.Not long after a black escalade with tinted windows slowly rolled up catching everyones attention.

A man with expensive Armani suit and crisp black loafers soon stepped out of the black car there was soon two bulky black men standing behind him dressed down in all black not hiding the guns they had nicely sitting in there holsters that was placed by on there hip. The suited man quickly let out a breathy chuckle before starting his introduction.

" hello glad you all can make it, everyone calls me Gid and I will be the one in charge of y'all asses so lets get things started shall we." giving a smile and a swift clap the two bulky men had both there guns out and pointed at the small crowd. many begining to duck letting our swift curses and some even going as far as to raise there hands above there heads and plead.

rakeem stood stiff in his place not having a reaction at all because of how quick things escalated spice stood just as still having the same problem. blue stood on the sidelines watching praying to god the two teens would leave the small clearing with minor injuries knowing how Gid was first hand he knew no one was going home unscathed.

A loud booming laugh had the whole area silent, Gid was leaning on one of the bulky men as he doubled over in hysterics after a few more minutes he slowly began to settle himself not before tapping one of his henchman on the shoulder.

" u see this shit man, these niggas soft ass hell one sight of a gun got them niggas pissing on themselves!" he began to shake his head and chuckle. "Its time to whip y'all asses into shape." he then gives off a devious smile that has spice feeling goose bumps rise on her skin she closes her eyes and begins to pray.

forgive me father for I have sinned....

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