Shop ~ Bluesdank x reader

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Henry sits staring at the screen in admiration. he'd been watching her for a few months now, never failing to miss a stream, whether it be at 2 pm or 2 am. He was entranced by her every move, from the way she danced to the way she sang. He never thought he could crush this hard on someone he'd never met, then she came along. She being a popular 17 year old streamer by the name of Y/N L/N or Y/T/N, she had amassed over 700,000 twitch followers with her bubbly personality and amazing voice, henry had been watching her (and crushing on her) since 50,000. She seemed like an angel sent from above and to him she was. She was currently singing a song she wrote called 'i wish you were mine' heavily inspired by someone she longed for.

"so lads, I'm gonna do some singing even though it's like 1:30 in the morning but I roll that way" Her voice was heaven to him, he laughed at her dorkiness.

"This song is called 'i wish you were mine', unfortunately, written by me when I was in a sad mood, about knowing ill never meet let alone date the guy I have a huge crush on, he is a fellow twitch streamer tho."

This made Henry incredibly sad but it was to be expected, she was popular, pretty and charismatic. He decided to listen to her beautiful melody and drown in his sorrows.

Every time,

I see you I wonder why,


why can't you be mine,

He stared at her at the girl thinking the same as him.

Even through a screen,

I sit and sadly scream,

wondering why,

why can't you be mine,

You sit out there in your beanie,

I wonder if there's a teeny,

tiny chance,

we could meet,

You sit out there in your beanie,

I wonder if you ever see me,

and wonder why,

why can't you be mine,

It sounded faintly like him, 'if only' he thought, She sang so beautifully and he listened so intently.

"That's a wrap on that lovely song and this Livestream, unfortunately" She sighed. "Only for a while tho, I'm gonna go to the local and get some peng munch" She threw up the okay sign and giggled. Man, that giggle could send him to heaven and back.

"And yeah, ill be back in around half an hour, follow my twitter for updates and yeah ill see you guys in a little bit, thank you for joining!" She giggled and turned off the camera. He decided he may as well do the same thing, he grabbed his skateboard and jacket and headed out.

Your P.O.V

That Livestream took a lot out of me, especially that last song, I was getting emotional back there. It was about this streamer called Bluesdank, I've had a crush on him since forever. The day he followed me back I nearly cried, I never had the balls to message him though. I'd catch all of his streams whether they where at 2 pm or 2am, speaking of 2 am, that was the time I arrived at the shop. My skateboard was slow but the shop wasn't that far thankfully. When I got inside I headed straight for the sweet section in classic Y/N fashion.

Henrys P.O.V

I headed straight for the sweet section obviously. When I got there I heard a faint hum of a song I knew behind me. I couldn't pinpoint which song though. I chose what I wanted and turned around, I saw a girl with Y/H/C and a beanie on. She was dancing, and then I heard what song she was singing. The song.

No P.O.V

"You sit out there in your beanie, I wonder if you'll ever see me and wonder why" She sang. "Why can't you be mine" They sang in unison, she slowly turned around. And sure enough, there was his longtime crush, dancing in the middle of his local at 2 am, wearing his merch no less. Their mouths dropped open simultaneously

"Bluesdank?!" "Y/C/N?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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