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Piper's P.O.V
      "What are  you wearing?, "mom asked me with a frown on her face.

"What's  wrong with it?, "seeing nothing wrong in what I'm  wearing, I'm  wearing a black hoodie, and blue ripped  jeans, I didn't  feel like dressing up.

" I told you to wear something nice, "her lips twitched.

"Then what should I wear?; "

"Wear a dress", she replied.

"But I only have one", it's  true  I never really needed to wear a dress cause I  was always comfortable  in  jeans and a hoodie, I'm  not really a person who likes to dress to impress

"Then wear it", to be honest the last time I wore a dress was to my cousin's  wedding and that was like two years ago. I carried my lazy butt to my room and wore the dress  still wearing my sneakers , I can wear a dress but not heels.
It turns out that my mom works for Axel's parents and I never knew cause I was always talking to my subconscious, I'm  Weird I know
As we walked into the house scratch that, mansion, I wanted to run out, it was just  huge and beautiful, "welcome", Mrs Mondale greeted flashing us a blinding smile

My mom returned the smile of course, i didn't  bother cause  it would look like I'm  in pain or I'm  trying to throw up, zoey was watching me for some reason, she always looks at me sometimes I get a little disturbed, after greeting Mr and Mrs Hondale we sat down , getting ready for dinner, "our son's will be here soon", as soon as Mrs Hondale said, a boy came into the room, as soon as he saw us he smiled.

He sat on a chair, "this is my son... ", the little boy cut Mrs Hondale's  words short, "I'm Griffin, I'm  eight", he smiled, cute little boy, I always wondered how it would have felt to have a brother,

"Well I'm  Piper, "he grinned, then Axel walked in, wearing nothing but sweatpants and a hoodie, and he looks different, but a good different, if that makes any sense at all.

"Axel you were supposed to be ready for this dinner, " Mrs Hondale scolded, he ignored her and went to the fridge to get water,

He looked at at the people in front of him and walked back to wherever he came from.

"Sorry about him ", Mrs Hondale nervously smiled.

After dinner, mom was talking to to the Hondales, so I was with zoey and Griffin

"And it is so big ", Griffin grinned, he was talking about how  big his room is and I couldn't  help but smile

"You must love having a huge room, "I stated, he nodded

"Come on I'll  show you, "he said grabbing my hand and pulling him into his room

He was not kidding when he said his room was huge, he had a flat screen tv, a huge bed,  a sofa  and so much more, some I don't  even know the name of,

"Are you Axel's  friend, "he asked looking into my eyes

"Um.., "why am i stuttering?

"So I won't  see you again?, "he asked
"I don't  know, maybe", he frowned

"Why aren't  you his friend? ", what's with this boy and his questions.

"Because he dosen't talk to people like me, "I stated feeling a little sad, no one talks to me. He was about to say something.

"Piper time to go, " zoey said looking at the floor. I stood up

"Bye Griffin ", I waved "Bye piper", he waved back with a smile on his face.

When we got home, I went to my room immediately  and wore my pyjamas,  I went outside cause I needed some air, "maybe in the future I'll  have friends", I murmured. I was watching people walking on the road, when i saw Axel talking on the phone, I jumped inside a bush and watched  him, creepy I know, he turned his head and he saw me,  he raised an eyebrow,  I hid inside the bush praying he won't  meet me

"What are you doing?,  "he asked, startling me which made me shriek

"I.. uh... threw.. my phone out my window into the bush so I..uh came to get it, I lied. Before he could question me I ran into the house and to my room I looked at him through the window , he shrugged then walked away, I jumped on my bed hugging my pillow, what is wrong  with me, I hope we don't  meet again, then I fell into a dream less sleep.

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