★ | 127. annoying ex boyfriend, supernatural

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 127: Annoying Ex Boyfriend, Supernatural
Word Count: 1464

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 127: Annoying Ex Boyfriend, Supernatural Word Count: 1464

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"Please, please let me see him. I know I messed up but I'll make it up to him and I'll never do it again."

Dean stared at [name]'s ex boyfriend with a frown on his lips, remembering the other night when he had come home, crying his eyes out because he had just found out Jake was cheating on him with some girl. It took everything in Dean not to go over there and shoot the dicks dick off. "You're not going anywhere near him. If you even try, I'll break your arm."

Jake knew he was serious too. Dean had never liked him and he always knew it was because Dean had feelings for [name] and was just jealous. "It was a mistake. If I could take it back I would!"

"Holy crap, we don't care." Dean groaned, moving back to close the door only for Jake to step forward and put his foot through, stopping the action.

"I wouldn't do that dude. He's ready to kill you any second now." Sam warned him.

"He's not going to hurt me because if he did [name] would be pissed at him and we all know how much he cares about [name]'s opinion. You know, since he's in love with him and everything." Jake sneered.

That was definitely not the right thing to say. Dean took a step forward with narrowed eyes. "You better back off right now."

"Or what? Huh? What are you going to do? Why don't you just go cry about the fact [name] will never love you back and get over him. He loves me and he's not going to stop loving me because of a stupid mistake."

"Have you met him? He really knows how to hold a grudge and he will never forgive you for what you did." Sam said, moving forward to get in between them.

"Move out of the way Sam. I'm going teach this little bitch a lesson." Dean snarled, wanting nothing more than to get past his brother and punch this guy square in the nose, hoping to break it.

Sam have him a look, "I can't let you do that. Not because [name] would care. I'm sure he would love for you to hit him but I don't want him here any longer." He looked at Jake. "Get out of here before I make you."

Jake scoffed. "I'm not scared of you. Either of you."

"Trust me buddy. You should be."

Jake still didn't look like he was going to leave. He crossed his arms stubbornly and tapped his foot before smirking. "If you don't let him know I'm here, than I guess I'll just have to tell him for myself." He opened his mouth and shouted, "[name]! Can you please come out and talk to me? Your body guards won't move!"

[name] instantly came from around the corner, an emotionless look in his eyes. His eyes were slightly red from the previous crying he had done and his hair a mess. "I was listening to everything you just said. If I wanted you to come in, I would have said something." He walked over to the door. "Sam. Dean. Could you give us a second?"

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