Bad Days Do Get Worse

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*Hello! I’m so sorry I’ve been so sucky at posting but school has been taking up all my time and I had to get my wisdom teeth out and missed like a whole week and had to catch up on all of my missing work. Seriously, high school sucks. But, I only have one more year after this! Anyways, here’s the next chapter!*

Cas walks into the school doors, letting out an annoyed sigh as Lucifer skips by his side. The hallways are crowded as Cas tries to push his way to the locker he was assigned at registration. “First day of senior year. How exciting, don’t you think Cassie?” Cas ignores him, opening his locker quickly, wanting to get out and away from the crowds of people. “Come on Cassie!” Lucifer whines, “Pay attention to me!”

“Go away,” Cas growls quietly, hoping no one will hear. He shoves his backpack into his locker after pulling out his stuff for the first three classes.

“Don’t be like that!” Lucifer moans as he leans against the locker right next to Cas’. Cas rolls his eyes and goes to shut his locker but before he can he freezes.

“I don’t know, this year feels like a winning year to me. I mean we have a lot of good players that came to the practices during summer,” the all too familiar voice says. Cas tries to lean closer into his locker to hide his face.

“Ahhhhhh,” Lucifer says with a huge smirk, “Look who it is Cassie! Your favorite person!”

“I don’t know man, coach is going through some shit. You really think his head is 100 percent on the game?” Benny, the school’s center offensive line, responds from next to Cas where he starts to open his locker. Cas glances over to see Dean Winchester, the school’s quarter back, slouching against the locker next to Benny’s.

“I don’t know, he’s kind of cute,” Lucifer says in an interested tone and a knowing smirk, “but you already know that, huh?” Cas’ jaw locks as he mashes his teeth together. “He’s gay you know,” he adds nonchalantly.

Cas whips his head around to look at Lucifer in surprise. “WHAT!?” he whispers harshly.

“Who the fuck are you talking to?” Dean asks in an amused voice. Cas turns slowly to look at the tall football player, who is looking back.

“Um, I uh…” he stutters, trying to think of something to say, “Myself?”

“You don’t sound too positive about that,” Benny laughs. They both give Cas weird looks, causing him to look back to his locker.

“Do you want to know how I know?” Lucifer whispers against his ear, “I saw him getting a very and I mean VERY generous blow job from the gym teacher, Mr. Roman.” Cas’ face flushes a vibrant red.

“Hellloooo,” Dean yells, trying to get Cas’ attention for the third time since he zoned out. Cas looks up at him in confusion and embarrassment. “Never mind fucking weirdo,” Dean laughs as Benny and him turn and walk away. The bell rings through the hall, causing him to let out a groan as he shuts his locker and leans his forehead against it.

“Well that was embarrassing and now you’re late,” Lucifer smiles before disappearing.

“Shut up,” Cas groans, softly hitting his head against his locker.

“That kind of day already?” the sympathetic voice of Charlie Bradbury asks.

Cas turns his head, keeping his forehead pressed against the cool metal of his locker, to give Charlie a small smile, “Hey Charlie.”

“Hey Cas,” she says with a smile in return.

“Why aren’t you in class?” he asks.

“I was on my way there and saw you abusing your locker with your head. I figured you needed someone to talk to and hey it’s the first day, being tardy isn’t that big of a deal,” she tells him before sliding down, with her back to the lockers, onto the cold tile floor. “Are you going to join me?” she says as she pats the floor next to her.

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