Chapter 3

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I took a cab home. By the time I reached there it started to drizzle a little. So I covered my head with the shoulder bag and rambled across the driveway to the front porch. I got the keys from under the welcome mat on my doorsteps. And rushed into my home. I could go straight to my room since mom wasnt home from work. She called me on my way home to ask about the interview and to tell me she would be late today. I was actually glad she would be late. I dont really want to talk about my day to her. She must already be having enough work stress and I cant tell her I have'nt even been inteviewed. That would break her heart. Because it broke mine. I've always wanted to work there. And that job interview was my only hope. Now its gone. Its all gone.

I stumbled into my bedroom and crawled into my bed. I looked at the alarm clock on my side table which told me it was 6:02. I lied on my bed staring at the window as the raindrops scrolled down. It was like they read my mind. My eyes couldnt hold back the tears any longer. I cried for I dont know how long. And I dont know what exactly was the reason I was crying for. Was it because of the job interview or was it Daniel? Maybe it was both. Or maybe a bit more because of Dan's unexpected return. I was lost in my own world of thoughts and I didnt know when I had fallen asleep.

"Honey" I heard my mom call as i was trying to come out of the magical world of sleep. " Mom?" I asked rubbing my eyes hardly. I could'nt sit up. I didnt have enough energy to. And my floating body seemed unconcerened of it. With a lot of effort I managed to sit up and reach my legs down till I found the ground. "Eli. It's eight! Come down stairs to have dinner. We could talk about your interview then. And honey...Why do you look so blue? Are you alright? Get freshened up a little and I'll meet you down stairs." She wobbled all the words touching my forhead to check if I had fever and then left the room when she found my body temperature to be normal.

I was not in a mood to walk or eat - or do anything in that matter. But I have to. Or mom's gonna think that I really am sick and might even take me to the hospital where I least want to be. Surprisingly I could stand up. It was like my body had rejoined. I walked to the bathroom to get freshened up. And went down stairs to find mom waiting for me at the dining table.I walked towards the dining table and sat on my seat infront of mom's ."I made your favourite potato caserroles'. She said with a pleasant smile across her face. "Yay! " I said faking a smile and I started eating looking down at my plate. She realized something was wrong and I knew she was gonna start just when..." What is it Eli? You know you can always talk to me about anything...And I know you'll say "nothing mom"...but I know for sure that something is not right.....So....tell me...Because dear I love you so much and I dont want to see you get hurt.". Yes. That was mom. Typical mom being overly protective and extremely sentimental. I sat quietly without saying a word and still not making eye contact. I could feel her impatience waiting for an answer from me. But I couldnt speak up. I felt tears geathering in my eyes. Thanks to mom for being all sentimental. But I dont want to cry infront her. I mean its not that big of a deal. I tried to convince myself to not cry but I failed and soon my cheeks were wet with a stream of tears. I stood up and ran upstairs crying and trying to conrtol my tears. I went inside my room and tried to lock it before mom could come in. I know that she would follow me. And she did. She stood infront of my door and knocked slightly. "Eli...Eli my darling...can you hear me?" She said softly. I felt the sob in her voice as she talked. Oh great. Now she is tensed. All I wanted was for her to be not tensed. And my stupid tears could'nt just hold back till we had dinner. Darn you emotions!

I sat on my window couch lookind down at the streets which looked breath taking after the rain. the reflection of the street lights added up with the mint drops on the leaves giving the view a gloomy effect. I got lost in the beauty of the view and some how manged to forget about all the crying and everything. I was startled by the ringtone of my phone. I wondered who might be calling me at this hour.So I went in search for my phone. I couldnt remeber where I left it- like always. I felt the vibration coming form my the bag I took to the interview which was lying on the floor. I hurried and took the phone out. It ll from a number I didnt have on my contacts. Or maybe it was the crack on the screen which somehow damaged the part where it shows the caller ID. So I picked up and said Hello. There was no response from the person on the other end. "Hello" I repeated again. "Hey" finally a person replied in a low smoky tone. 'Who is this?" I asked as I could'nt recogonise the voice with the "hey". "It's me Ella". Oh now I know who it is. I know who it is very well. There is no one else on this whole wide world who calls me Ella other than Daniel.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2015 ⏰

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