Chapter 8

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I will wait for you
Even time flows
A little fast
As we expected
But I will wait
But baby don't you think
It's far away our expected time
Will you be fast enough
To make you mine
To take everything I have
And to be yours fully
But now I think
I don't have to wait
You got the girl
While I became the waited one
You did not think a little
For me
Is my love to far away from you
Is my love much smaller than her
Is she you more than me
If she does
I wish you happiness
Because now I am happy for you
After this
I will carry my dreams
Only wait for you
Waiting far away from
A little further

Goodbye love
I hope and wish
That we don't have to wait in our next life
So stay happy
My only love.

It's a little emotional I know it but pls guys like, share and comment.

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