The Confession

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(Shinju POV)
I was talking with my best friend, Shido. He asked me curiously, "You're not joking, are you? You're really gonna ask Ms. Okamine to marry you?". I said, "I told you, she's super serious about marrying someone, and it really does hurt her when people joke about asking her to marry them. I hate seeing that happen, and I've got more than enough money for us to live quite plush if she wants to, so on the off chance she hasn't given up on the possibility of getting married, I could try to make her happy. It also helps that my brothers love having her around to help them with their homework too.". He said, "Whatever you say, Shinju.". I sighed, and heard Ms. Okamine ask calmly, "Mr. Itsuka, Mr. Caine, is there something you'd like to share with the class?". I said, "No ma'am.". She nodded, and continued with the lesson. How was I gonna go about asking her to marry me? Then we heard it, the spacial quake alarm. Everyone was scrambling to get to the school's designated shelter as the school started shaking violently. When I did make it to the shelter area, I saw Ms. Okamine searching for someplace to hide, but she didn't notice the ceiling about collapse on her. I ran over, and tackled her out of the way of the falling debris, but had to cover her from the building giving way. When the dust cleared, I immediately checked to see if Ms. Okamine was unharmed. She had passed out, but was fine. I gently shook her, and her eye's fluttered open. She asked softly in confusion as she cleaned her glasses, "Where am I?". I said, "You're not hurt, thank God.". She asked curiously, "Did you save me, Mr. Caine?". I said, "You were about to be crushed by the ceiling, then the building collapsed on us.". She asked me worriedly, "You're not hurt are you?". I said with a light chuckle, "A few scratches hasn't stopped me yet.". She sighed, and I asked curiously, "Why didn't you get into the shelter?". She said, "I fell, and by the time I got there, they had already locked the door.". I nodded, and looked around. I could see an opening in the rubble a good twelve foot climb up. I said, "I see a way out, but with the way that rubble looks, if we try to climb out, we'll be crushed.". She started freaking out, and I gently guided her gaze to meet mine. I said softly, "Calm down, everything is gonna be just fine, I promise, but you freaking out right now isn't helping.". She asked softly in worry, "How are we going to get out of here, Mr. Caine?". I said, "Please, just call me Shinju, Ms. Okamine.". She nodded, and I started looking around, but couldn't find any other way out, I'd have to use my magic. May as well propose, and get it done, and over with while I'm at it.
I said, "I can get us out, Ms. Okamine, but you need to get behind something.". She asked curiously, "What are you planning to do?". I said, "I'll explain later, I promise, but right now, you need to get behind something.". She got behind a fallen slab of concrete leaning against a wall, and I said as I gathered my Fire God Slayer magic, "Fire God's Explosive Flame.". I launched the attack at the massive pile of rubble, and quickly had to support the building with a pillar of flames. I told Ms. Okamine, "You can come out now.". Ms. Okamine came out from behind the concrete slab, and looked at the pillar of fire in shock. She asked, "How? How is that possible?". I said, "I told you, I'd explain later, hopefully after this is all over.". She asked cautiously, "Are you a spirit?". I said calmly, "No, I'm something stronger. I'm a god.". She asked challengingly, "And how do I know that you're telling the truth?". I created an aura of black fire around my body, and looked as Ms. Okamine's disbelieving expression turned into that of shock. I said, "Now you know I'm telling the truth. Not like it matters now anyway. You're probably afraid of me now.". I heard her stepping closer to me, but when I turned to look at her, I was met with a somewhat angered look as she said sternly, "Now you listen here young man! You may be a god, but that doesn't mean I'm in the least bit afraid of you! You're still one of my students, and I'll be damned if I hurt any of my precious students by being afraid of them! Do you hear me?". I silently nodded, and she said, "Now explain to me why I have a god as a student.". I said, "Long story short, me, and my brothers come from another dimension where spirits don't exist. The humans there can use magic, but some know a special type of magic called lost magic, better known as Slayer magic. There's three types of Slayer magic. Starting with the weakest is Dragon Slayer magic, where a child is quite literally taught, by a Dragon, magic used to slay dragons. My little brother, Nagato, was taught by the Dragon King all known Dragon Slayer magic. Up next is Devil Slayer magic, where a child is taught, by a Devil, magic used to slay devils. My little brother, Marco, was taught by the Devil King all known Devil Slayer magic. Last, is God Slayer magic, where a child is taught, by a god, magic used to slay gods. I was taught by the God King all known God Slayer magic, and am now technically the new God King with my brothers being the new Dragon, and Devil Kings respectively.". She nodded slowly, before saying, "That doesn't explain why you're here.". I said, "My brothers, and I got bored of living in our old dimension, and, me being the overprotective brother I am, didn't want anyone trying to get them to use their magic for evil, so we came here. Look, if you don't want me anywhere near the school, that's fine.". She gently took my hands in hers, and said with a small smile, "Shinju, I would never want that from you, or anyone. You're a nice young man, always respectful to everyone, and you're the only student I have that's willing to help me after class.". I said nervously, "Yeah, about that.". She asked me curiously, "What is it, Shinju?". I steeled my nerves, and said as I looked into her beautiful brown eyes, "I was planning to ask you to marry me. You're a wonderful woman, so nice to everyone, so caring, you helped my brothers with their homework when you didn't have to, you're beautiful, and it hurts to see you so hurt whenever someone jokes with you about marrying you!". I saw her eyes light up with hope as she asked softly, "Are you serious? You want to marry me?". I said, "I'm very serious, Tamae. I want to marry you. I want to make your dream come true.". She started rambling on about how her father was overprotective of her, how she'd been saving for fifteen years, how Valentine's Day would be the best day to have the wedding, and how she wanted to retire after I graduated, and had a good job, and how she wanted to have kids. I cut her off with a gentle kiss, and soon felt her wrap her arms around my neck. When we broke the kiss, I said, "Those are all wonderful ideas, Tamae, but we can't make that happen if you don't tell me if you're okay with marrying me.". She said with a beautiful smile as tears of joy started rolling down her cheeks, "I'll gladly marry you, Shinju!". We kissed again, and when we broke the kiss, she asked softly, "What about the ring, Shinju? We can't really say we're engaged without an engagement ring.". I grinned, and said, "Close your eyes.". She closed her eyes, and I used my Metal God Slayer magic to form a beautiful, yet simple, silver ring, then used my Crystal God Slayer magic to form a simple little six carat Princess cut diamond on the ring, before I told Tamae, "You can open them now.". She opened them, and gasped at the ring on her finger. I asked hopefully, "Do you like it?". She smiled at me, and said, "I love it, Shinju.". I was about to speak, when a member of the AST came flying over, so I quickly extinguished the pillar holding the building up, letting it topple. The AST member asked us sternly, "What are you two doing outside of the shelter?". I said, "We got locked out of the shelter, then the building collapsed on us.". She said, "I see. I'll escort you to another shelter, and let you in.". Tamae said, "Thank you.". The AST member simply nodded her head. We followed her to the closest shelter, and she let us in. We sat on the floor, and Tamae asked me curiously, "Do you think your brothers made it to a shelter?". I said, "They can handle themselves in a fight, Tamae, so even if they didn't make it, they'd be alright. There's nothing to worry about. Okay?". She nodded silently, and leaned against me. I put my arm around her comfortingly, and said, "My brothers are just fine wherever they may be. If they get into any trouble they can't handle, they know to call to me. Besides, what's the point of being an older brother if I don't look out for my younger siblings?". She smiled, and said, "You're an amazing big brother, Shinju.". I said, "I only do what any older sibling should.". She softly giggled at that, and rested her head on my shoulder. I guess we were gonna be here a while. Might as well nap.

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