Birthday eve

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I slope out of my bed slowly realizing it's my birthday eve
Every second my smile gets bigger

When I can
Comprehend that my birthday is tomorrow I almost scream but I don't because I remember I'm going to school and I have a flash back when I fall and everyone is laughing my smile turns into a frown In a snap

But then that drowns in the thought that my birthday is tomorrow then that frown turns upside down

:(.          ->.       :)


I walk into school looking cute with my headphones trying to use them 1 last time till I get AirPods  singing my favorite song

And I'm in the zone singing like a angel .

I look up to the flash in my eye of a flash light
And there it was
IN BIG bold letters

WILL.      YOU.     GO.     OUT.    WITH   ME?

I look around to see if he was looking at me or someone around me
And then he walks up to me
Holds my hand and asks me

Will you go out with me Mariah ?

I smile trying not to cry and says yes !
But the tears fly out like when you drop a rock and it can't help but fall for you .
We hug and everyone claps till we walk away together
Then I spot Chloe izalia crying while giving me the side eye I mouth

Oops I did it again

Then she runs up and try's to slap me I move and she hits Quinn in her fAce and brakes her phone then Quinn beat her up with no second thoughts like there's no tommorow I jump in and try's to stop it and she slaps me and I go off like crazy my hair still untouched while hers on the ground cause cece went snip snip and we left her there and went on with our day but I was super suprised that I wasn't in trouble but hey that's good
So I go spend the night over Quinn's with cece and they talked about me and jaiden all night non stop on how we were going to be together and how we were so cute so much  I fell asleep

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