The New Era (50)

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Chaerin's POV

Do you know the feeling of being totally accomplished? Happy? It was exactly that way that I was feeling that afternoon. Despite the exhaustion, I found myself in a radiant state of pure achievement. The plans of the previous day couldn't have gone more right. Jisoo and Jennie had ended what they called relationship. And I? Well, I would continue with Ruby Jane, my money making machine inside 'Imperium'. I confess that at first, I had felt bad for deceiving her, after all the girl was with me for years helping me boost my business. But that wasn't the right moment for feelings nor compassion, and yes for strategies in a game that I could easily lose if I wasn't so astute.

After what happened last night I thought that I should celebrate, for my unhappiness Soojoo couldn't accompany me, after all she would have to play the good girl for Kim. God, that woman gave me nausea. Her prepotent and purely arrogant air made me have disgust just by remembering her existence. So, I decided to meet an old friend that gave me a wonderful night of pleasure, making me relax and savor the taste of victory.

It was already late and I was on my way to the club to review the balance sheet of that month, Soojoo would probably show up there to celebrate together the day before. I hadn't spoken to her since the moment that she left with Jisoo. With so much turbulence I ended up leaving my phone behind, staying totally incommunicable. What I didn't find totally bad, I needed a time for me.

I turned off the car stereo that played a lively song as soon as I drove into the parking lot of 'Imperium'. At that time there were only a few dancers rehearsing and some cleaning staff. I got out of the vehicle, pressing the small alarm button of my car key to lock it to then walk towards the entrance of my club. I waved at the security guard that smiled in a friendly way and walked into the establishment. Right at the entrance I noticed a stronger movement, but nothing too big. I walked in slow steps up the staircase towards my office.

"Chaerin?" I heard Nancy shout in the background.

I didn't even pay attention, I wasn't with the slightest patience to talk to the girl.

"Wait! I need to talk to you!" she shouted in a disastrous way from where she was" Don't go in there!

I sped up my steps and opened the door of my office quickly, closing in the same instant that I entered to avoid the unnecessary conversation with the dancer.

"Annoying girl!" I huffed irritated against the door.

"You shouldn't treat your ally like that, Chaerin." I heard Ruby Jane's voice fill the environment.

I turned around quickly with the fright of having the woman there, when I saw her sitting on my chair with a cynical smile and a purely arrogant air.

"What are you doing here?"

She frowned and stared at me with an expression that said 'Isn't it obvious?'.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? 'Imperium' is my second home, right?"

Ruby Jane asked getting up from the chair slowly, taking small steps to the beverage counter in my office. I didn't know what was happening, the woman had a mysterious aura, almost undefined. She didn't say anything, just poured a small amount of Whiskey into one of the glasses, adding three ice cubes. She shook the liquid in a counter clockwise, to then wet her lips.

"Of course it's your home, I'm just surprised to see you here."

The brunette smirked, shaking her head. She started walking back to the desk where she leaned against.

"Surprised? Great. I love to make surprises." she said winking at me.

"You seem..."

"Well? Happy?" she said smiling.

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