47. Bethan

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'We've only been back to college less than a week yet I feel like I have an absolute ton of work already,' I complained in the campus coffee shop as I enjoyed my morning latte with my two best friends before classes.

'Oh my god,' Penny replied. 'I thought it was just me that felt that way!'

'Me too,' Georgie sighed. 'I think it's just being away for Christmas break. It makes you lazy; I got too comfortable doing nothing.'

'I think I might have to book in for a few tutorials with some of my professors because my head is officially blagged!' I said.

'Do you think that all college students complain as much as we do?' Penny asked.

'Probably,' I laughed.

'No, you two are the worst for it,' Georgie said, taking a sip of his coffee with a cocky expression.

'Excuse you?' Penny replied.

'I have a lot of friends,' he said. 'All different types of friendship groups; my theatre friends, my gay friends, my stoner friends. You guys complain the most out of everyone.'

'Stoner friends?' I repeated with a snort. 'Since when do you get stoned?'

'All the time,' he replied. 'I get along with my roomie now and he smokes it all of the time and I got into it. He introduced me to his friends and sometimes we hang.'

'I thought he was a nerd,' I said.

'So, then I also have my nerdy friends too; I'm a popular guy,' he chuckled. 'But obviously, you two are my best friends. You don't need a group, you're a league of your own.'

'Awww!' Penny and I joked with a giggle.

'Come on, let's go to class,' I sighed, picking up my my books and getting out of my seat.

We all walked through the coffee shop and exited, stepping out into campus where the air was still icy cold and there was still snow on the ground. We were all well and truly wrapped up in coats, hats and scarves and grouped together in an awkward little hug to say goodbye before walking separate ways.

I headed across campus to Hamilton where I entered my Medieval English class and joined Brodie as he gave me his usual perfectly bright and straight-toothed smile.

'I was totally debating ditching today,' he said with a yawn. 'However, I always feel bad when it's Medieval English because I know I'll be leaving you to suffer alone.'

'Don't mind me,' I laughed. 'I actually like this class.'

'Nerd,' he laughed.

'You know what,' I said, turning to him with a grin. 'Yeah, I am a nerd and I love it so bite me.'

'Geez,' Brodie laughed. 'Who pissed in your cereal?'

'Everybody quiet please!' Our Professor whizzed into the class and set down his briefcase before taking off his glasses and lifting his head to greet us. 'Good morning all.'

'Remind me why I didn't ditch this class?' Brodie murmured.

'Because you can't bear to part with me,' I joked.

'You wish,' he chuckled.

'Shut up, I'm trying to listen,' I hissed.

'Problem, Miss Jones?' Professor Fawkes called pointing to me and I dropped my eyes shut in vexation as Brodie sniggered quietly.

'Yeah actually, Brodie won't stop talking to me when I'm trying to learn, Professor,' I said, trying to hold back my smirk as Brodie jolted forward with his mouth open.

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