Part one: Birthday voices

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"Goodmorning Killian, Happy Birthday..." Killian said with false enthusiasm as he stepped into the shower nursing a new bruise on his ribs.

He washed his hair before moving onto his body. He finished his shower after he washed his face in cool water to get the swelling to go down. He got out as quickly as possible knowing his adoptive mother would be furious if he used too much hot water. He wrapped himself in his old beaten up towel and walked to his room. He stepped in, closed the door, and locked it behind him. His room was bare of any teenage necessities. It only had a bed, a desk, and a small dresser in the corner. He slipped into some rags that his parents called clothes. He slid his feet into some sneakers that were more holes than shoes. He grabbed his backpack that one of the students left behind last year and walked out of his bedroom.

Killian ignored the complaints of his stomach as he passed the kitchen and walked out the front door. He made the twenty-minute walk to school and walked through the front door. He walked towards his locker and got the books he needed for the day. Quickly closing the locker after getting what he needed and heading to his first period.

People shooting him glares as they all enter the room. He took his spot in the back of the room as his reputation of being a loner continued for another year. He waited for the bell to ring as he sketched a wolf on a random piece of paper from his backpack.

Soon enough class had started and Killian was taking notes on atoms and the periodic table. He was just finishing copying what was on the board when he heard ms. Wilson call his name.

"Yes?" he answered as he looked up from his paper.

"See me after class." She said as she walked away from him to continue around the room.

"Right," he said as he looked out the window.

The class continued for the next half an hour with everyone taking notes and asking questions. Along with the hundreds of dirty looks shot in Killian's direction which he ignored and continued with his notes.

When the class was over Killian watched the other kids pack up their things. He quickly packed up his own things as his teacher approached him from the front of the room. She stopped right in front of him and studied his bruised face. The black eye, the cut on his swollen lip, and scrapes along his hairline. She let out a deep sigh before she even tried to talk.

"Killian... what happened this time? Let me guess, it was the stairs? Or maybe it was just another bar fight. Oh, wait! Maybe it was my favorite and you were attacked by a panther again." Ms. Willson interrogated.

"Ha, you're funny, you could be a comedian." Killian mused as she glared holes into the side of his head as he packed up the last of his things.

"Killian Jonas Kane. Don't you sass me, boy. I knew your parents and I have no trouble calling your adoptive family." Ms. Wilson said watching for a reaction.

Killian didn't oblige though. He picked up his backpack and looked his teacher in the eye. He knew that she wouldn't call them. She knew what was going on even if he didn't tell her. He kept his mouth shut as another teacher, Mr. Collins, knocked on the door. Ms. Wilson frowned as Killian took the chance to escape her questioning.

As soon as Killian stepped into the hallway he smelled something delicious. It was like apples and mangos. He wanted to follow the delectable scent but made his way to his locker instead. He opened the locker and was about to switch out his books when he saw a bundle of forget me not flowers on his top-shelf. He picked them up and inspected them before he quickly switched out his books. Leaving the small bouquet in his locker. He was almost to his second period when he was pulled by the back of his collar into a janitor's closet and thrown in. He was followed by a tall boy with sandy brown locks.

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