Silent [SetoxYandere!Reader]

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So Yes! SetoxYandere!Samantha! For Ilovecandy_oryes(If I type it right...)! Please, Enjoy! >_<


"Ugh! Self, I'm getting ignored by Seto-kun~! What will I do~?" I smirked, Grabbing a Knife. "Ah! Being 'silent' is a good way to get cloose! Yes! Brilliant!" Slicing Tomatoes in the Kitchen, I'm cooking with Kido, The leader of the group. My eyes are widened, for the fact that I found a brilliant plan! Soon, Seto-kun is mine! mine, I said!

"S-Samantha, What are you smirking about? It creeps me out..." Kido looked at me, kind of worried. Yes, Everyone know that I'm a Yandere. They're scared at me, but also thinks I'm a dear person. My target is Seto, Seto and Seto only. Nobody else. And I dare to kill someone for that! Especially that disgusting Ball of fluff!

For now, I need to go to sleep early. And tomorrow, the plan will be started!!

Wait for me, Seto-kun~

I'll make you mine~

Just wait and see...

"Alright, Danchou! Here's the Tomato!" I smiled, handing over the Tomato. "I'll be sleeping early today! Bye!!~" I waved and ran towards my room. Locking it, so nobody would know my secret plan.


POV: 3rd Person(?)

"W-What's wrong with Samantha-oneesan?" Hibiya stared at Samantha, Who's locking herself in her room. "Oh dear, What is she planning?" Seto shivered, giving Marry a 'this-is-my-chance!' Face. "Don't worry, Setooo! I will protect you...!" Marry posed, winking at Seto. "Oh, I forgot about Marry! Thanks, Marry!~" Seto smiled. Marry blushed right away. "Well, Just like what Ball of fluff said, we need to protect Seto from that Yandere. Right, Kido-chaaan~?" Kano winked playfully fo Kido. She blushed, and punched him right away. "Y-Yes! We will protect Seto-kun!" Marry stand up, and pointed Seto. "You guys....thanks a lot..!" Said Seto.

--[Next Day]

POV: Samantha

"Early morning! I need to start acting like what I supposed to do!" I stretched, heading outside, to say 'Ohayo' to the Dan.

"Ah! Ohayo, Konoha-san! That was a greaaaat sleep last night!" I waved at Konoha. And in the kitchen, I saw Kano and Kido. "Ohayo, Kano-san! Kido-san! Hello, Goodbye~~!" I smiled and walked away, humming a cheerful song. "W-What was that?" Kido shivered. "I-I don't know, but it really scares me..." Kano smirked, looking at Kido's face. Poke. He poked Kido's cheek. "B-BAKA!" Kido kicked him very hard.

Heading towards the Bathroom, I saw Seto-kun! Oh my gosh! My hearts going to exploooode!!!

"Ohayou, Seto-kun!! How was your sleep? It's really a greeeeat refreshing for me!" I smiled, Seto was shivering. "Y-Yeah! M-Me too, It was a g-great sleep!" Seto smiled forcefully.

And I keep that Act for two weeks, or so.


POV: Seto Kousuke

"Yo, Samantha-chan! What are you doing?" I smiled, patting Samantha's head. Yes, She changed now! It's a big change, she was a Yandere. Present, She's just a cute little girl! Marry seems to be avoiding me though....I don't know why.."Ah! Geez! Seto-kun stop that! I don't like being patted!" Samantha pouted. She looks adorable! Oh my! "Alright, I'm sorry, Samantha~" I apologized, while combing her hair. "Hehehe! Seto-kun is smeeeelly!! Bahahaha! >w<" Samantha runs away, while blurting embarassing things outloud. I feel embarassed! "Stop!! I'm embarassed!!" I kindly shut her mouth, she blushed afterwards. "O-Okay..

" She nodded.

--At her room

POV: Samantha

Ah, Seto's giving me more chances! I'll do it, tonight, Seto-kun! I'll prove you are mine!

I go outside, giving Seto a glass ow water with poison in it (Sleeping poison/?). "S-Samantha?" He feel to the ground, started to sleep. "I'm going to start, Seto-kun..." I smirked, as I grabbed my weapons, killing all members except for him..

--Seto wakes up

POV: Seto Kousuke

I waked up. My vision is very blurry, and I see Samantha smirking at me, covered with blood. "S-Samantha...?" I asked, looking around. "Yes?" She answered. "Where's everyone?" I asked again. There's no sign of everyone. It's very silent. "Die." She smiled. "D-Die?!" I was shocked. I see myself, being tied up in a seat. "Yes. D-I-E." She smiled, kissing me passionately. I let go of her kiss, saying, "I refuse! Where's Kano? Kido? Marry? Momo? Where's Mekakushi Dan?" I started to cry, from the fact that they're gone now...Just why..?

"...." Samantha kept silent. "Answer me!! Dang it!!" I shouted. "I killed them for you. So you would love me only. Is n't that great?" Samantha just giving her Innocent smile, That I'm scared of for a long time. It's been awhile since I haven't see that smile....Yandere Samantha.."No! I hate you! Revive them back!" I kept shoutinv for her to save Mekakushi Dan, My family..."No can do...No can do...If you wouldn't love me, you should die..." Samantha smirked, and walked towards me. "God! No! Please! I beg of you..!" I begged. "Alright..." She kept smirking.


Gomeeneeeee!! I'm out of Ideas...Hit me with a stick....please.....

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