Chapter 12

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"Embarrassing ! Insulting! A disgrace to this company!" Zane fumed.

I winced. I had barely walk in, but apparently he hadn't had to look up to already begin his tantrum.

"You wanted to see me?" I said meekly.

He looked up from his wilting plant. "Intern Baker! You're here."

I immediately wished I had just called in sick. It wouldn't have been far from the truth and it would have given him another day to simmer like carrots. He could've become a little softer, a little healthier to talk to.

Instead, I ignored Skylar's advice to treat my mild hangover from last night in favor of coming in because it was the right thing to do despite the painful blow to my headache it would serve to be.

"Take a seat."

"But you don't have any seats in front of your desk..."

"Exactly! And you know why? Because it's a statement that I don't deal with people who cause me issues that have to be dealt with sitting down."

"My mistake is a sitting-down issue? I personally feel as though we could have it out standing up."

He scowled. "Careful, Intern Baker! You aren't showing me the same level of respect as the representatives of every company you blew your chunks all over. Why, that cookie toss is about as embarrassing as this plant is!" He looked down at his depressed flower. "Yeah, that's right. I'm calling you out! You can't handle the strength needed to overcome your desire for water, and you're weak. Just like Intern Baker!"

I stared at my boss. For awhile he had just seemed hot and intense, but this was a new type of extreme. I'd have to ask Gretchen if this was normal. Maybe his hair gel was sinking to his head.

Zane snapped his eyes back up at me. "I've spoken with every one of them individually and they have all agreed to let this one blow over with no further comment out of respect for me, though I did have to take valuable seconds out of my day to explain why I chose to send you instead of a male PA, and I hate explaining myself."

One battle at a time, Alexa.

"Mr. Charlemagne, I am so sorry. So, so sorry! Everything had been going so well— I don't know what happened. I promise, my body didn't do it to disrespect you."

He grunted. "Let's hope so."

I gnawed slightly at my lip. "Is that all?"


I jumped. This man was off his rocker.

"In other news," he said, then paused, as though the words were straining him like a ball and chain, "in my talks with my colleagues, I am under the impression that your speech was well-received and well-regarded. So much so, in fact, that I was informed that some of your, our, remarks were documented and will be used in the official lawsuit against the new law."

I was shocked. "By who? The same white bald men who insulted me?"

He glowered at me. "No," he snapped, "They have chosen to remain anonymous, but I know that they were one of the most prestigious companies that were present."

"So I did it?" I grinned.

"You performed your task to exceed expectations," he hesitantly agreed.

I was relieved. I didn't even care who the company was, the fact that I hadn't totally screwed up my first big opportunity was going to help me sleep well tonight.

Best to leave while I'm still ahead.

But as I turned, I realized if my mother heard this story, she would be absolutely mortified that I didn't grovel more than I already had. And we certainly couldn't have that.

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